As I was taking my shower this morning, I realized something. I don't remember much that happened in 2007. I remember a few things here and there, semi-important stuff like I got the Slot Tech job in 2007. I proposed to my current wife in 2007. Joann Burns was living on our couch for the first few months of 2007. I went to Washington D.C. in 2007. These things all happened in the first 5 months of that year, and I find it hard to believe that nothing else happened throughout the rest of the year. That was the year of the Tummy T.Togo Halloween costume.
The point here people, is that I don't want that to happend again. Not remembering most of a calender year is kind of depressing, since I know I did a lot of cool things that year. Nothing sticks out glaringly at me except my journey to our nations capitol.
I made a vow at the beginning of 2008 that I would make it the most memorable year of my life, and I think I accomplished that at that time. I set that goal, and accomplished that last year too. This year, I hope would be no exception either.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
A Quick Dose of Forgetfullness
10:17 AM
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Good Coffee and a Pile of Robins
6:56 AM
So we last left off with me going all political on everybody's ass, and I don't regret what I wrote last time. Sometimes, I write things and later regret what I said, even if I don't necessarily remember what I specifically wrote. I can't regret that one, though. I liked it.
Couple things on my mind today, but I bet I only cover approximately 1.34 topics herein.
First off, I want to give a massive shout out to Big Dave and Company.
Dave, I have spent the majority of the past week immersed in your writings and podcasts. They are great and I will never fall behind on them again. In fact, when I'm done here today, I will plug in the iPod into the computer speakers (at work) and listen to Podcast #10-2009 titled Criminal Mischeif (spelt wrong by the Company, not me), where I believe the gang were about to go to Canada and get Big Dave's stuff back from the Canadian Clubber, so I wonder how that turns out. Hope they swung over to Stockholm while in Canada to catch an Expos game...
Secondly, the city of Nashville, TN is currently under siege. We actually got a nice bit of snow yesterday and into last night. Not to mention the fact that most of the moisture that was around has now frozen into an impenetrable layer of ice on my car windows. I was actually late for work this morning because i was trying to scrape a little hole into the ice on my windshield so I could actually see where the hell I was going. To be honest, if there were more cars on the road at 6 o'clock this morning, this action would have been very dangerous. The snow on the ground is that type that's kinda half frozen and all mushy. It's pulling cars off to wherever it feels like. I thankfully only live about 3-5 minutes away from where I work, so it wasn't a problem, but I can legitimately say I was late because of the weather. You can tell by my tone (maybe) how much I care about being late today. Even the birds don't know what to do in this odd Tennessee weather. I counted 35 robins on one leafless tree outside, with another 12 or 13 in another tree down the way a little. I've never seen anything like that.
Hey I'm doing good on hitting the topics! Let's keep this rolling.
Caleb sent me a bag of coffee as a Christmas present. This is some of the best coffee I have ever been privileged to drink. It's rich and roasty. You can see all the oils on the beans when you open the bag, something you never get with grocery store coffee. The aroma is unbelievable. I can't stop thinking about this coffee, even in the evening. I think to myself "only a few more hours till I can wake up and drink that coffee." So thank you Caleb and Megan for this. Best present ever.
I'm aware that we didn't get them a present, but that's because Bethany went home for Christmas and spent all our money. We'll make it up to them, I hope. I actually owe my brother a Christmas and B-day present. F
So to wrap things up properly, no one is leaving the house today because of the weather, except maybe me, and there's no employees coming into work today because of this fact. This makes me happy because I generally don't like it when these people come into work and I have to greet every one of them. And I need to do some Christmas shopping and it's nearly February.
Couple things on my mind today, but I bet I only cover approximately 1.34 topics herein.
First off, I want to give a massive shout out to Big Dave and Company.
Dave, I have spent the majority of the past week immersed in your writings and podcasts. They are great and I will never fall behind on them again. In fact, when I'm done here today, I will plug in the iPod into the computer speakers (at work) and listen to Podcast #10-2009 titled Criminal Mischeif (spelt wrong by the Company, not me), where I believe the gang were about to go to Canada and get Big Dave's stuff back from the Canadian Clubber, so I wonder how that turns out. Hope they swung over to Stockholm while in Canada to catch an Expos game...
Secondly, the city of Nashville, TN is currently under siege. We actually got a nice bit of snow yesterday and into last night. Not to mention the fact that most of the moisture that was around has now frozen into an impenetrable layer of ice on my car windows. I was actually late for work this morning because i was trying to scrape a little hole into the ice on my windshield so I could actually see where the hell I was going. To be honest, if there were more cars on the road at 6 o'clock this morning, this action would have been very dangerous. The snow on the ground is that type that's kinda half frozen and all mushy. It's pulling cars off to wherever it feels like. I thankfully only live about 3-5 minutes away from where I work, so it wasn't a problem, but I can legitimately say I was late because of the weather. You can tell by my tone (maybe) how much I care about being late today. Even the birds don't know what to do in this odd Tennessee weather. I counted 35 robins on one leafless tree outside, with another 12 or 13 in another tree down the way a little. I've never seen anything like that.
Hey I'm doing good on hitting the topics! Let's keep this rolling.
Caleb sent me a bag of coffee as a Christmas present. This is some of the best coffee I have ever been privileged to drink. It's rich and roasty. You can see all the oils on the beans when you open the bag, something you never get with grocery store coffee. The aroma is unbelievable. I can't stop thinking about this coffee, even in the evening. I think to myself "only a few more hours till I can wake up and drink that coffee." So thank you Caleb and Megan for this. Best present ever.
I'm aware that we didn't get them a present, but that's because Bethany went home for Christmas and spent all our money. We'll make it up to them, I hope. I actually owe my brother a Christmas and B-day present. F
So to wrap things up properly, no one is leaving the house today because of the weather, except maybe me, and there's no employees coming into work today because of this fact. This makes me happy because I generally don't like it when these people come into work and I have to greet every one of them. And I need to do some Christmas shopping and it's nearly February.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Sorry, my bad
10:18 AM
I wanted to write a blog in retrospective of the the year 2009. I wanted to write one in retrospective on the entire 2000's. Neither of which I accomplished. I have thought of great ideas of topics I wanted to cover in the past few weeks. But when it came time to actually write these things down, I decided to do other things instead. Most of the time, I just played Call of Duty and said "I'll do that later." I've written some pretty great blogs in my brain in the past few weeks, but I never shared them. Sorry dudes, my bad.
This morning, I was reading the paper, like usual, when I got hit with some strong feelings about politics. I thought it would be a great idea to write about politics, and how I feel about them and where I stand. Then, as I was mapping out how I would write it and state my feelings, I realized that I don't want to put those feelings out there. One of my biggest pet peeves is when the ignorant and uninformed get all politically angry when things are happening. I feel like I should be able to defend the truth and let them know they are so wrong. But I can't. I almost always bite my tongue, because I can't usually argue with them very well. I work with this woman who is very conservative in politics. She says these wild accusations that I just know are not true, but I can't disprove it, because I never even heard what she's talking about. I know she's wrong, but I can't prove it. So I don't say anything and just nod and say "wow." I don't want to get into it because the way she says things makes me know she is not going to change her thoughts and feelings, so why bother. Let her be ignorant. I know inside of me what I believe, but I don't say it to people usually because I don't want to sound like her. I don't want to sound uninformed. I usually take the stance of keeping my eyes and ears open to what everyone has to say. I will never be the one to say what should be or shouldn't be done in the country. If someone makes a good point, and it makes sense, I can agree with you. It's the liberal types that I usually end up agreeing with as far as social issues. As far as fiscal issues, I really don't know what to think. I have no experience to back up any feelings, so I leave it to the so-called experts. I have to assume they're experts because they are able to talk about the subject. When someone isn't an expert, and they're talking about the subject, you sound like an ass. This is all just my opinion here. I don't talk about shit I don't know about.
One thing I did notice about conservatives, at least these days, I cannot speak about conservatives beyond 5 years ago, is that they all seem to fear change. I guess that's why they're called conservatives... I was trying to put my finger on what was bothering me about "tea party protests" and rallies to derail the health care bill. Something just seemed off about it and I knew it wasn't the fact that they were coming together against something that I generally think is probably a good idea, but I knew it was something. I figured it out. I was thinking that when people protest something, they usually want something to change for what they believe will be an improvement. These people are rallying to keep things the same. Everyone getting up in arms about speculation that things will suck if it doesn't go their way. I've usually kept an open mind about things and change can be good. If it doesn't work out, oh well. Seriously. From what I understand, people are put in charge to make things better for everyone else. What's the point of putting someone in charge of making things better for everyone else if everything is already fine. Obviously, there are things wrong all the time. Something can be done to fix something. Nothing is perfect, especially in a country as big as ours. So why waste everybody's time derailing everything that comes down the tracks? I don't know, man, it just seems wrong. And I know that if something isn't broke, don't fix it, but I think everyone can agree that the health care system is, maybe not broke, but flawed. Usually I only get fired up about issues that actually affect me, and health care does not at this point in my life because I'm a healthy 26 year old man who has health insurance...Like I said before, the "right" maybe not be wrong here in their fears that this will fuck shit up...but I say lets try it out.
WTF am I talking about health care for? What do I know?
So in conclusion, when the nice lady I work with starts throwing around her facts about how liberals are wrong and how they're corrupt and evil, I just smile and nod, walk away, and watch basketball. And when the other nice lady I work with talks about how "this country is becoming socialist" because she won't be able to smoke in a public place or buy cigarettes without fire-safe paper, when I know for a fact she has no idea what she is saying means, I just shake my head, and continue my sudoku. Because who am I to tell her she is wrong? Nashville
This morning, I was reading the paper, like usual, when I got hit with some strong feelings about politics. I thought it would be a great idea to write about politics, and how I feel about them and where I stand. Then, as I was mapping out how I would write it and state my feelings, I realized that I don't want to put those feelings out there. One of my biggest pet peeves is when the ignorant and uninformed get all politically angry when things are happening. I feel like I should be able to defend the truth and let them know they are so wrong. But I can't. I almost always bite my tongue, because I can't usually argue with them very well. I work with this woman who is very conservative in politics. She says these wild accusations that I just know are not true, but I can't disprove it, because I never even heard what she's talking about. I know she's wrong, but I can't prove it. So I don't say anything and just nod and say "wow." I don't want to get into it because the way she says things makes me know she is not going to change her thoughts and feelings, so why bother. Let her be ignorant. I know inside of me what I believe, but I don't say it to people usually because I don't want to sound like her. I don't want to sound uninformed. I usually take the stance of keeping my eyes and ears open to what everyone has to say. I will never be the one to say what should be or shouldn't be done in the country. If someone makes a good point, and it makes sense, I can agree with you. It's the liberal types that I usually end up agreeing with as far as social issues. As far as fiscal issues, I really don't know what to think. I have no experience to back up any feelings, so I leave it to the so-called experts. I have to assume they're experts because they are able to talk about the subject. When someone isn't an expert, and they're talking about the subject, you sound like an ass. This is all just my opinion here. I don't talk about shit I don't know about.
One thing I did notice about conservatives, at least these days, I cannot speak about conservatives beyond 5 years ago, is that they all seem to fear change. I guess that's why they're called conservatives... I was trying to put my finger on what was bothering me about "tea party protests" and rallies to derail the health care bill. Something just seemed off about it and I knew it wasn't the fact that they were coming together against something that I generally think is probably a good idea, but I knew it was something. I figured it out. I was thinking that when people protest something, they usually want something to change for what they believe will be an improvement. These people are rallying to keep things the same. Everyone getting up in arms about speculation that things will suck if it doesn't go their way. I've usually kept an open mind about things and change can be good. If it doesn't work out, oh well. Seriously. From what I understand, people are put in charge to make things better for everyone else. What's the point of putting someone in charge of making things better for everyone else if everything is already fine. Obviously, there are things wrong all the time. Something can be done to fix something. Nothing is perfect, especially in a country as big as ours. So why waste everybody's time derailing everything that comes down the tracks? I don't know, man, it just seems wrong. And I know that if something isn't broke, don't fix it, but I think everyone can agree that the health care system is, maybe not broke, but flawed. Usually I only get fired up about issues that actually affect me, and health care does not at this point in my life because I'm a healthy 26 year old man who has health insurance...Like I said before, the "right" maybe not be wrong here in their fears that this will fuck shit up...but I say lets try it out.
WTF am I talking about health care for? What do I know?
So in conclusion, when the nice lady I work with starts throwing around her facts about how liberals are wrong and how they're corrupt and evil, I just smile and nod, walk away, and watch basketball. And when the other nice lady I work with talks about how "this country is becoming socialist" because she won't be able to smoke in a public place or buy cigarettes without fire-safe paper, when I know for a fact she has no idea what she is saying means, I just shake my head, and continue my sudoku. Because who am I to tell her she is wrong? Nashville
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