Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What the Hell? Blogging?

What happened?

I will have to admit that I completely forgot I have a blog.  No shit.  The idea of blogging didn't even cross my mind for the past week or so.  Crazy what happens when things are actually going on, right?

I don't even have anything to say right now, I just saw the blogger tab on my bookmarks toolbar and realized I hadn't written anything in I don't even remember how long.  Okay, so this is just me saying that I found the bookmark up there again and will try to come up with something to talk about for tomorrow or Friday or Saturday or Sunday or all of the above.  But for now, I don't have anything to say.

Thanks for not deleting me.  

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Green Lantern

Fuck this shit
It only took a couple hours for my lovely wife to call me out on my post from yesterday.  In the evening yesterday, I saw a preview for a new movie coming out based on the comic book the Green Lantern.  I'm not going to lie, it looks fucking terrible.  Like, the worst possible movie of all time.  Great for the kids, perhaps?  Great for the comic book nerds, perhaps?  For me?  God no.

First off, I hate movies based off comic books.  The main reason is because all these movie studios just grabbed up any and all comic book and made them into massive blockbusters, and it's just such a rehashed idea to me.  I understand there is a huge legion of comic book fans out there, one of which I am not, by any stretch of the imagination.  I think I owned two comic books growing up.  They were Batman.  Batman is cool.  Batman was on TV and shit.  Who the fuck is the Green Lantern?  I believe he was on some fighting game I had for the Sega Genises back in 94 or something, but he didn't have his own TV show.  Not one that I ever saw anyway.  So no, I don't give two fucks about the Green Lantern in the first place.  Not that I have to give a fuck about what a movie is about to enjoy it, but it helps.  It really helps.

So anyway, there was some CGI monster thing in the preview and Ryan Renolds looking all buff and what not.  All I saw was a bunch of special effects thrown together, and cash registers cha-chinging in the background.  The Green Lantern movie to me is the Backstreet Boys and New Kids On The Block tour.  CA$H GRAB, Y'ALL.

The point here is that I tweeted about how terrible the movie looked, and my wife says "you're a hypocrite!" No, I clearly said this yesterday, which makes me not a hypocrite in this situation:

 Not that Fast 5 is necessarily a bad movie, I just know already that that is not my type of movie.  Neither is Thor, by the way.  I generally like every movie I've ever seen, to be honest, but maybe that's because I'm picky when it comes to which movies I watch.

See?  I didn't say I like every movie.  I only like the movies I choose to watch.  There are hundreds of movies (each year?) that I will never see because they look like a total fucking waste of time.  This movie, The Green Lantern, is one of those movies.  

So there.  ::sticks tongue out::

(Something happend to my font up there and I can't fix it.  So...sorry about that.)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Think Before You Speak

Today, I was going to write an album review, but I thought about it, and realized that it just doesn't matter.  People hold opinions about bands and music and albums and are not easily swayed from those opinions.  There is no reason for me to tell you that I like this album or was surprised by this bands latest effort or disappointed by an album I'd waited for months to come out. No, it just doesn't matter what I think.  Music is awesome and there is no reason to tell you why.  You know why the music you like is good.  It's good because you like it.  Some people get paid to tell others what is good and what isn't.  I do not.  I read reviews because I trust the reviewers taste.  If I don't like the reviewers taste from a certain place that reviews new music, then I don't read their review.  If I know a friend has a different taste in music, if they say they hate something or like something, I take it with a grain of salt.  I do that with movies as well.  If I now that your favorite movie of 2011 so far was Fast 5, I will take the fact that you absolutely loved Thor in 3D with a grain of salt.  Not that Fast 5 is necessarily a bad movie, I just know already that that is not my type of movie.  Neither is Thor, by the way.  I generally like every movie I've ever seen, to be honest, but maybe that's because I'm picky when it comes to which movies I watch.  With music, however, I'll listen to anything, dude.  Bring it on.  Whatever you got.

That being said, there is no point in hating on any particular type of music.  None.  We get it, you're not that into it.  This, by the way, is partly a letter to myself.  If you have known me for any period of time, you would know that music is somewhat of a passion of mine.  I have no problem telling my wife what music I hate and I wish would die, but that's in my own household.  That's different.  I have had bands that are forever listed as "shitty," no matter what else they put out or how much my friends and family like it.  Saliva, being the main act here.  Fuck that band.  But if you love Saliva, then go for it, bro.

I know what (I'm) you're thinking, I've already written this piece before.  It just bothers me when someone has an opinion about what other peoples opinions should be.  I have been tried, convicted and sentenced to community service for this very violation throughout my life, so believe me, I'm included.  What I'm trying to say is that if you like something, tell a friend to check it out.  If you hate something, just move on.  It does not make you look cooler or hipper because you hate something that someone else enjoys.  In this digital age, you can seek out whatever music you like, so there's no reason to stand on your stump and tell everyone how much you wish a certain music would go away.  I don't like Brokencyde, and you shouldn't listen to Brokencyde, but if you want to, who the Hell am I to say you're wrong to do so.

The internet is full of these types.  Just go onto any music site and start reading comments on music.  A lot of people seem to think there is a war on music they don't like, but you can't stop something from existing if others enjoy it.  It's democracy.  Just go with what you like and carry on.  Life is too short to be wasting time hating on shit you can't control.  It's like hating rain.  It's gonna happen, buddy.  Get over it.  Just enjoy the sunshine when it's out and stop bitching about things you absolutely have no control over.


It's funny, now that I go back and read this, here a few minutes after writing it and I realize something.  What I'm trying to say is that I want to stop people from hating types of music they don't like, but that's never going to go away and I can't control that either.  So it's essentially the same argument but backwards.... Eh, You get what I mean, right?  Just shut up about music you don't like.  No one wants to hear it.


And one more thing, I promise I will be hypercritical on this subject.  This is me working it out, trying to be a better person.  I'm trying to break myself of this behavior.  If I go out on the internet and say that the new "Blowtards from Hell" album is a steaming pile of shit, you don't need to call me out.  I already know.  I'm just going for therapy though blogging.  Thanks in advance.