Wednesday, May 23, 2012

You Have To See It To Believe It

Sleep Inducing, apparently
Last night, I was sitting here on the couch with my lovely wife.  We had just put our little lovely daughter to bed for the night, when I switched on the NHL Stanley Cup playoffs.  The score of the game between the Phoenix Coyotes and the Los Angeles Kings was tied 3-3 and it was heading into the third period.  My wife looked at me and asked if we could go to bed, because it was getting a little late and we had to be up in the morning.  I said to her, "how about you just to to bed without me, I'd like to see the rest of this game."  She protested, and let me watch a bit longer while I gave her a good foot rub.  Well, she soon grew extra sleepy, and since I was nice enough to rub her feet, she let me stay up and watch while she went off to dreamland.  The game headed into overtime, and I stayed up even longer to watch some more.  I was committed at this point, to seeing this game to it's end.

However, about halfway through the overtime period, I caught myself falling asleep on the couch.  I figured that since I didn't really root for either team, I would just head to bed.  I found out in the morning that the Kings won the game and are headed to the Stanley Cup Finals.  I missed it, because I was tired.

But it got me thinking, there is just something about watching something, seeing it happen with your own eyes, live, as it happens, that is just so important to a lot of people, me included.  That game was going to finish, someone was going to win, no matter if I stayed up and watched it or not.  But I wanted to see the if the Kings would dispose of the Coyotes last night, with my own eyes.  I knew it was possible, so that's why I felt inclined to watch.  They did, and I missed it.

I'm not that upset that I missed the game, really.  But there is just that feeling that I missed out, and now I'm left out of the conversation as to what happened.  I know exactly what happened to end the game last night, I made sure to read up on what I missed, but I guess my point here is that I like to watch things unfold as they happen, even if my participation in the event has no bearing on the outcome.  Actually, I'm not entirely sure what my point is, to be honest.  I just thought about how people like to watch things.  And I don't even like either team, I just want to be a part of someone else's moment.

Oh well.  

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I made this video last week, and after a series of failed uploads, I now present it to you, 5 or 6 days late. Anyway, enjoy.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Feeding Baby

Let's talk about baby for a minute, can I?  Okay here's the deal.  For the first, oh say, about 8 months or so perhaps, feeding baby was easy.  Stick a bottle in her mouth, and check the clock so I know when to give her her next one.  But now that she's one year old, things have changed on that front.  Now, she eats like we do.  This is my problem.

I don't want her to eat like me.  I want to give her healthy food.  I am the least healthy vegetarian in America.  I eat bread and cheese.  But when I need to be responsible and feed my daughter, I need to make healthy choices for the two of us.  This is ultimately a good thing for me, because I'll probably get more veggies in my diet, just because it's easier to give her what I'm eating than make something separate.  I can't justify giving her grilled cheese sandwiches and pizza all the time (foods we both love, but shouldn't).  The good thing is, she likes steamed broccoli and carrots.  This is wonderful.  It's easy to make, and it's healthy.  I'll eat what she doesn't eat, and we're both set.

But I can't give her the same thing every day.  So I have to come up with meals for us.  I have to cook for us so that we can eat real food.  This is an area I'm going to work on improving for the benefit of our family.  Because we can't just live off steamed broccoli and toaster waffles.

I'm off to find a recipe or two.  Wish me luck.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Vloggeratred: Diapers!

Good morning everyone and welcome to another post that has a video instead of you having to do all that damn reading.  In light of recent personal events, I've tried to keep things on a positive note around here, and try no to dwell to hard on bad news.   I'm not very good at coping with bad news.  I really am not good at it.  So I usually deflect and ignore, because I'm not emotionally mature enough to handle really bad news.  So, like I said, in light of this recent horrible personal events, I'm just trying to stay positive.

So, here is a video I made of baby Evie being cute, as usual. 

Thanks for stoppin' by.  Make sure you check back for more sweet content on a regular basis!  Oh, click on my ads, I think I earned a penny last month...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Shamrock Shakes

This blog post is a month or two late, but I wanted to weigh in on McDonald's Shamrock Shakes.  Yes, I know, this is totally irrelevant in the month of May, but I want to set the record straight here.

I love them, and this completely flies in the face of everything I hold to be true.  Everyone who know me knows I totally hate the mix of chocolate and mint.  Thin mints are gross.  Mint Chip ice cream is gross.  Mint doesn't belong in ice cream.  Ice cream is supposed to be sweet or savory, not minty.  Mint belongs in gum.  Mint belongs on candy canes. Not ice cream. But a Shamrock Shake?  Not sure what kind of crack rocks they put in there, but damn, they're good.  My wife says "this is exactly what mint chip ice cream tastes like."  Not the mint chip I've had, apparently.

I don't know, maybe I'm just coming around on this?  Maybe I don't hate it after all?  Maybe I just have to admit I was wrong in saying I don't like mint and sweets mixed together?  And another thing, I hate McDonald's for what they are, as a company.  McDonald's is the main culprit in the advancement of the downfall of healthy Americans, and the sheer numbers of meat products produced for one restaurant is mind-boggling, bringing about a culture of "if the meal doesn't have meat, it ain't a meal." And I'm sure we all know by now that meat production, and the destruction it causes, is the biggest environmental issue facing this planet, right?  As a rather strict vegetarian and someone that cares about the environment, McDonald's is supposed to be my enemy.  But damn do they make a tasty shake every March.  It kills me to go through that drive-thru, but oh man is it worth it on the other end.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say.  I just wanted to admit that perhaps I was wrong about the mint/sweets thing.  I don't know, I'll get back to you on that.  I won't just blindly hate on anything minty anymore.  I'll give everything with mint a second chance.  Because this shamrock shake thing is really good.  

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I Don't Want To Watch The Avengers

So just now, I typed a comment onto someones facebook post and I really liked the sound of the keys clicking on the keyboard, so I figured I should make some more noise.

What I wanna talk about is me not watching the Avengers.  Now, it's not that I feel like I'm above it or some dumb shit like that, but more like, I've seen superhero movies before, and they're terrible.  Like, the ones that everyone likes, I think they're horrible.  I think they just stink.  They're juvenile.  Okay, that's making me sound like a prick, but really, I just don't like to waste my time on movies, in general.  The problem is, when I do watch a movie, I generally enjoy it, but the thought of watching a movie is just so unappealing.  Especially superhero movies.  What a bunch of horseshit.

There have just been far too many superhero movies and for some reason, the moviegoers of the world just eat it up.  I don't want to see that in a movie.  I just don't.  This includes Transformers, as well.  I'm not going to watch any of those big budget cash-grab Hollywood blockbusters.  I just have better things to do with my time than spend my "hard earned" money on what they're putting out.  Trust me, by me holding out, they're still doing just fine, financially.

I always thought comic books were stupid.  Just watch a cartoon, ya goofus.  It's the 90's, you know?  There are cartoons all over the place.  I got a couple Batman comics once, because I heard that kids like me, liked comic books.  Okay, I read them, what's the big deal?  It's just a story with pictures and captions.  I could do that.  I've never been impressed with things I feel like I can do myself.  I'm not impressed with rappers, because I can write down stuff that rhymes, too.  I can draw pictures and have them have talking bubbles out of their mouths, as well.  Not good drawings, but drawings, nonetheless.  I can't, however, make a moving cartoon.  That's impressive.  I can't even come close to replicating that.

And I've sort of always viewed comic books as collectors items.  Since my Batman comics I bought in the early 90's were like, #4,212 (exaggeration), there was no way I was going to be able to collect them all, so what's the point of being excited about it?  I want the rare shit, the hard to find shit.  That's why I liked trading cards.  You never know what you can find in there, rookie cards, to be specific.

So in conclusion, I hope you all (and I really mean all, I'm sure there are very few people who read this that won't see the movie) enjoy the Avengers.  Do what you like, and have a good time.  Be entertained!  Hell, that's why I watch so many sports.  That's how I choose to entertain myself.  You choose to watch a crappy, overblown, wasting of millions of dollars in movie form.  But I know I'm in the severe minority on this opinion, here.  And that's okay, because not everyone should like the same stuff, or else life would get boring.

Friday, May 4, 2012


What up, ya'll.  I'm here to show you the best (worst) video on YouTube.  Let's make this go viral and confuse people as to why it's so popular.  This really is a waste of time, if I'm being totally honest.  But nonetheless, here ya go...

I can't remember the last time I've had birds this close to me.  I know pigeons get a bad rap, but they're just trying to survive like you and me and all other cute animals out there.  

Hope you enjoyed it.