You know, I don't mind doing laundry. I really don't. I don't like putting clothes away, but the actual act of putting clothes in the washer, adding soap and all that part, I like doing it. I like estimating if it's a "large load" or an "extra large load." I like measuring out the soap, which is different every time I do laundry, I think. I like pulling the wet clothes out and throwing them in the drier, and doing it with way more throwing/whipping action than is really necessary. I like pulling the warm clothes out of the drier after it's done. It's like pulling freshly baked cookies out of the oven. The smell so good, and you're happy that your favorite thing is in you hands. Clean, good smelling clothes or cookies, if you put cookies if we're still talking about cookies, here. Either way you're pretty happy, I bet. Wait, is it spelled dryer or drier? Spell check says they're both good to go...hmmm. I think it's dryer. Let's go with that.
Then comes the part that sucks. Putting the clean clothes away. I'd rather not, thanks. But if I don't, all the clothes will get wrinkly. Then you can't wear them unless you iron them (which ain't happening) or use that dewrinkler spray stuff (that smells bad and makes your clothes all damp.) No, you have to put them away in a timely manner. But I don't want to. I'm done doing laundry now.
Sometimes I let the clothes sit in the basket and just forget about them and then the dewrinkler spray is the only situation I have. Not always, but just sometimes it happens.
I'm just glad I don't have to take the clothes out of the house and to the laundromat anymore. I did that for far to long, and now that I've lived with a washer and dryer in my house for a few years, I'll never live somewhere that doesn't have that. Lydia don't know how good she got it at our place, I tell ya.
I think of this because I have to do laundry later, and that's okay with me. I don't mind. But at the end of it all, I'll have to put it all away, and that just sucks.
Have a good laundry day!