Sunday, March 24, 2013

Adjusting to the New Life

First off, it's been too long, and I know I need to write something because I have this nagging feeling in the back of my head that I need to write something.  Also, I can keep checking my Google Adsense account all I want, It's not going to go up, money-wise, if I don't produce any content!  Duh!

What can I say?  2013 is turning out to be on hell of a year.  Good and bad.  Of course, if you read my post last month about my dad, that happened.  Then on the 13th of this month (March) my second child was born, a boy, named Miles.  He's wonderful and healthy and hungry and cute and he has all kids of hair on his head and he likes to sleep a lot.  He's a newborn, what can I say?  So of course my life gets a bit flipped upside down, with new routines and keeping the daughter happy and keeping the wife who's home on maternity leave happy, and keeping myself happy, as well.  I hate to be selfish in this time because it really isn't about me right now.  But there certainly is a part of me that knows I must keep myself in a good place in order to keep everyone else in a good place.  Evie has been a bit whinier lately, and I know it's because of Miles, so I'm trying to show here that daddy still loves her so, so much and give her special time with me.  I can't do a whole hell of a lot for Miles at this point, except hold him and tell him I love him and that I'm his daddy.  He's 11 days old now, it's not like he can really respond to anything I tell him anyway.

I can tell it's been a while since I've blogged because I can't type worth a shit.

So we do cleaning and sleeping and showering and sleeping some more.  It's not that exciting, really.  It's exciting in the fact that I have a baby boy at the house, but it's really just a lot of adjusting at this point.  I'm sure soon enough we'll fall into what will be the new normal and I'll forget what life was like before Miles was ever born, just like now I can't remember what life was like before Evie was here.  What the hell was the point to living before the kids?

Life is good right now, and I need to tell myself that more often.  I also should tell all of you millions of readers that more often as well.  It's not that hard to open the laptop and say hey.  As we go through not only adjusting my own new life, also adjusting to Miles' new life as well.  and Evie's new life and Bethany's new life and everything that comes along with it.  Exciting times.  2013, man.  What else you got for me?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

My Morning Is Ruined

I like coffee.  No, I love coffee.  I've talked about this before, and I'm actually rather specific about how I make and drink my coffee.  It has to be right.  It has to be good, quality beans, freshly ground by me, and made with the correct ratio of water to grounds.  It has to be made in a relatively clean environment   I know what I'm doing when I make coffee, and if something is off, it makes me upset.

I work in an area where there is a coffee maker that is shared by others.  These others absolutely do not share my love for a quality cup.  There is a massive can of "Country Roast" Folgers bullshit in the back here, that the day shift guys make every day, and it's absolutely the pinnacle of gross.  It's stale, it's smelly, it's cheap and it's worthless.  The part that bothers me is it's smelly, and it makes the coffee maker smell like shit.  I got the point where I couldn't take it anymore and bought my own basket that I use to put my quality grounds and make my coffee here at work.  I kept it hidden in a spot in a cabinet here at work, and no one bothered it.  I took their smelly, nasty basket out, and put my rather less smelly basket in and make my coffee.  It's a little thing that makes my life at work bearable 

Moments ago, I went to make my delicious pot of coffee with my basket that I keep hidden, and it was gone.  This is the worst thing to happen since... I don't know, maybe ever?  What the hell?  Who got rid of my stuff?  Don't touch my stuff, man.  I'm pissed!

So I had to take their nasty basket and took it to the kitchen area and scrubbed it until it didn't have a bunch of crusty old coffee film on it.  I've used it and my coffee is brewing now.  I'm sure it will taste like shit, but it's what I have to do now that someone stole my things.  I'm so upset.

Have a good day, but know that my morning is now ruined.
