Saturday, September 14, 2013

Do You Like Me?

I just realized something. I know a lot of you amazing people read this blog every time I post something, and I know a lot of you get redirected here from clicking on my links on Facebook. This probably means you "Like" my Bloggerated page on Facebook. But...what if you read this blog, yet you don't already "Like" me on Facebook? I never thought of that before. It never dawned on me that maybe I have readers that don't know that I have a Facebook page for the blog? Well, if you read this blog and don't already like me on Facebook, I encourage you to go over there and do so. 

If you like the page already, please disregard this entire blog post. Have a great day!?!?!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

We're Moving: Looked at the House

Alright, so I believe in my last post, I talked about the house for rent that's owned by Lipscomb that's right next to campus, where my wife works.  I wondered how nice it actually is, and couldn't wait to go take a look at it. Well, yesterday we went over there and saw it.  It's pretty small, but not obnoxiously small.  It feels like we would be losing space form the bedrooms, and gaining space in the living room and kitchen. Decent trade-off, I suppose, but the only concern I have is storage.  We have a lot of crap jammed into this place, and I know we're going to do a purge of unnecessary things that we don't need to take with us, but what about stuff like, my drums?  Christmas tree?  Things like that.  The place didn't have a whole hell of a lot of storage space.  I guess those are very small details, details that will work themselves out, but we decided that we would like to have the house, if possible.  So I believe the email declaring our desires has been sent to the proper people and I guess we'll see what happens.  We're excited, though.

A yard that we don't have to mow, by the way.  That will be nice.  It's a small yard, but it's still a yard.   A driveway.  I don't know, it's just the little things that have me excited about the move.  A change in scenery. I'm sick of looking at a hotel parking lot.  Oh, it's got a dishwasher, and it looks kind of new and nice.  We didn't think this place would have a dishwasher. There were washer and dryer in there, I'm just assuming that's the current tenant's, but those hookups are int the kitchen as well, which is fine. Now, I know that moving into a house that you're renting isn't as exciting as buying a house, but it's still pretty cool to me.

Oh, also, fun story about the current tenant, we would have been able to look at the house sooner, but the current tenant was out of town, visiting her husband's Marquette, MI.  Small world, eh?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

We're Moving

(Update: I feel like that blog post title would indicate we're moving far, far away, when in fact, we're just moving somewhere within the Nashville area.  Sorry to get anyone too excited or whatever. Carry on)

I don't normally do any sort of theme on this blog space, because I want this space to be one in which I can come to and type out things I think about, as I've mentioned many, many times before.  Well, I've been thinking a lot lately about...