However, it was too much. When we were done eating, Jesse and I washed the dishes. Leaning over the sink to wash the dishes hurt. It hurt in our chests. First it was Jesse's problem, but once I took over the dish washing, I also noticed the weird pain in my lower chest, as well. Totally gross.
I did manage a piece of pie, which I can't hardly believe.
We went "Black Friday" shopping last night at like, 11:30. Wasn't that crazy, deals weren't all that mind blowing (although they were good). We got stuff for the kids and ourselves. It was weird being in an Old Navy at midnight, because it didn't feel like midnight. In fact, being out at the Nashville West Shopping thinger-ma-bob that late at night would have felt real weird had there not been the normal amount of shoppers and traffic for that area at, say, six p.m. on a regular day. The only indication to me that it was super late was my uncontrollable yawns.
But what I'm trying to say here is that I feel hung over this morning. I have a thanksgiving hangover. I drank some water, drank some coffee and ate some pie. I still feel like a small truck hit me last night. I'm slowly feeling better, but I don't every remember feeling this way after thanksgiving before.
Well anyway, that's all, I guess. Now that thanksgiving is over, it's not The Most Wonderful Time Of the Year.™
Merry Christmas™ !!!