Saturday, November 13, 2010

The List

Alright, so I feel like I'm having a harder time jumping back into this thing after this newest six-day hiatus, but let me do my best.

Back in 2008, when working as a Slot Tech, there was one particular night where I had access to a computer, but no access to the internet, for whatever reason. This was probably because of my boss at the time. Whatever the case, I had to find a way to pass the time. I spent a good amount of time creating a list. The list of my top 50 favorite albums of all time. I worked hard on the list, making sure I had everything in it's right place. I did it because I was always saying things like "this is my favorite album ever!" when in reality, it probably wasn't. But I wanted to actually spend time figuring out where the albums fell in my personal rankings.

Well, that list is now obsolete, because I have gotten sick of certain albums, and have had some amazing new music enter my life in the past two years. So I am going to make a 2010 version of the list soon. I think I want to share it with the readers (you people (what do you mean, "you people)), as well. I also think I should share the 2008 list, even if you just want to glance over it, see what landed at the number one spot...number 42 spot, perhaps?

I don't know, I just do this for fun. Not to say the albums are the Greatest of All-Time!!! or whatever...more of a personal ranking of the music that I have connected with over the years.

Please enjoy looking over the 2008 list.

Have a nice weekend.

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