Shit is about to get real boring around these parts, as I have been mentally blogging for a while now, coming up with my End of 2010 Best Albums list!
Now, there are people out there that can compile a list of their favorite albums of 2010 and not include one album that I hadn't heard about from him and him only. He is the person I envy, I suppose. I wish I could do that sort of thing, in a way. I'm sure there will be albums included in my list that you haven't heard or even heard of the people making it. Maybe not. Either way, at this point, I can't be that guy that only listens to the most underground, innovative, left field music being made, because I'm not that guy. I probably won't ever be that guy, no mater how hard I try. And also, just to clarify, regardless what I just said, I'm not trying to be anyone but myself, and I like what I like, so I don't want to come across as wanting to be EVEN MORE of a music snob than I probably already come across as...
Anyway. I'm going to write about an album a day, for five days. That's a top five list, if you weren't paying attention. I think I'll include a honorable mention list as well, which will be all the other good shit I want to mention but didn't crack the top five. Also, If you know my posting style, this will take longer than five days. My parents are coming to town, so...we'll see.
Should we start today? Why not?
#5 The Felix Culpa - Sever Your Roots

There a band from the Illinois/Wisconsin boarder, like the Chicago area. This is a fantastic album, more for it's depth than anything else. This is not a record to be taken lightly, or in a hurry. If anything, that's the one problem I have with Sever Your Roots, as sometimes I just don't have the proper attention to give to it. In the age of A.D.D. music, and short sonic bursts and blasts, this is a treat to those that enjoy the long term listen. I've been listening to this album since February, and I am still finding nuggets of awesome hidden in songs later on the album. There is not a bad song on here. Please don't take the "knock" I gave this album the wrong way. The knock is on me, not them. I'm the one with the problem, the one that can't focus long enough to drink it all in. This has been my go-to album all year for something fresh, and something brilliant. For those of you that haven't heard anything and want a description of the sound, they can be best described as a progressive indie band with post-hardcore elements. Take from that what you will, as that doesn't say a whole hell of a lot, if you don't know exactly what that means.
Personally, as a drummer, the drumming on here is top-notch. Very excellent. Also, one thing I like about it is his equipment sounds unique enough for me to instantly recognize it and separate it from other drum sounds being produced from every other act out there. Does that mean he's probably using a off-the-wall high-hat? Yeah, probably. Regardless, I like it.
The band self-released the album back in January, and has since signed to No Sleep Records, and that label will be making another appearance on this list in the coming days, believe me. Go buy this record if you like guitars and drums and loud to quiet to loud again. Also, if you need to hear something that takes a while to savor, and not something disposable, at all.
Didn't mean to make this that long. Sorry!
Key Track: An Instrument
(If nothing else, go listen to that song!!!!)
I don't recognize a single band on that list. Why should I give it any consideration? I could list a bunch of jazz nobody's heard of, call it my top albums of the year, and it would have the same effect on everyone. But kudos, at least, to this guy for having the time to make an emotional investment in completely unknown music. My top albums this year are from 2006 and 1976.