I took a breather, as you could tell I needed to do after the last post. You see, I got real fired up, and I think that indirectly caused me to take a much needed break from spilling all that nonsense out on the internet. I have no other explanation why I would go two weeks without a post. But regardless, I'm back now and I'm going to REALLY try to do better. Honestly.
There's something exciting about cooking food at home that I really enjoy. I especially enjoy it when my lovely wife cooks because she's good at it. I have never really been much of a chef, I guess, because I never was taught how growing up. My mom had the things she would make for us kids, and we all loved it, and I love her for it. But my mom wasn't all that great of a cook. I guess I shouldn't really say that, I mean, she didn't usually go for something new all the time, I guess. She made what she makes, if ya know what I mean. There were a bunch of things she would make, but it was really only those few things. She didn't branch out. I also recall her browning hamburger in the microwave...she used the microwave for EVERYTHING.
I really like to try out recipes, but my wife hates it when I want to, because I don't know how to cook. So if I'm trying to cook for us, I have to ask her a million questions (huge exaggeration) about the little tricks they ask you to do sometimes. She just knows that stuff, I don't. And I know that I'll get better at it if I just jump in and do it, I don't want to mess something up, and ruin dinner.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I enjoy a home-cooked meal as much as the next guy, but I want to be better at it myself. So I hereby announce that I will try to cook more, and if I mess it up, that's okay. Cooking is fun, and I want in on the fun, damnit.
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