Sunday, November 13, 2011

An App For That

Jesus Christ there's an app for blogging? Sorry, didn't mean to take the lords name in vain there, for those of you that get offended by such things. But remember before how I said I could blog from my phone and I thought it was the most badass thing that humankind had come up with this far? Well now there's an actual app that I can type this nonsense up with. Pretty damn handy if you ask me.

I've attempted to insert a picture to this post here, but I'm not sure where it's going to put it. Well anyway, that's a picture of my activity for the past 24 hours. A dead computer and a good book from the library. I want to thank my good friend Tagan for the suggestion. It's actually a pretty good book, even though the thing started with a bunch of nonsensical explanations of characters that I wasn't entirely sure I needed to know about. At any rate, the book picked up a bit, even if it's still not clear what the plot is or what the purpose of this books existence is just yet. I'm nearly done with it, by the way.

I want to give a shutout to spellcheck, more specifically autocorrect. From the looks of things, I'm a perfect typer on this touchscreen, when in reality I'm pretty much just mashing my fat little fingers on the screen and somehow, this bastard knows what I mean. It's pretty incredible.

So, that's whats up. It's 3 in the morning and I'm blogging on my iPhone. I did not expect this to be my life at 28. Honestly, I've pounded this thing out faster than I wrote some posts on a traditional keyboard. Guess I am pretty good at this iPhone typing thing.


  1. I can't wait till you finish it so we can talk about the ending! Its a pretty.. surprising book. Cuz it's like "why do I care" then all of a sudden its like "Hey I care!" then its like "What in the fuuuu.."

  2. Yeah, I'd to hear what you think of Downtown Girl. I've only read Sex, Drugs, and Coco Puffs. It's a novel or a book of creative nonfiction? I realize I could look these things up, but you want the comments, right? :)

  3. The book is called Downtown Owl, and it was okay, I guess. It was a lot of nothing, and a pretty intense finish. I'm still not entirely sure what the writer was trying to accomplish with the book, I mean to say, I don't know what the moral of the story was. It's good enough for me to recommend to someone, but I wouldn't go as far as to say I loved it. It's a good read.

  4. And yes, I do want comments. haha thank you!
