Friday, December 16, 2011

Supervised Friday Musings

man, this kid kinda looks like me
You know how hard it is to write with someone looking over your shoulder?  That's happening right now.  It's like, a deeper level of scrutiny than normal.  It's like, I know when I'm writing a post that someone will eventually read it.  Hopefully, a lot of people will read it.  But when someone is right on, literally, on your shoulder watching you as you type, it's even harder.

So I flipped my sleep schedule a bit so I can attend a Christmas party today.  I stayed up all night long last night, and it was pretty difficult to do.  It was a real struggle not to just lay down on the couch and fall asleep, but I knew that would be a really bad idea.  Normally, I stay up late on Thursday nights and get very little sleep, so I can take a nap Friday evening before going into work.  Well, this evening we have to go to a Christmas party, so I couldn't be napping at that time.  So instead, I stayed up until 6 a.m. this morning.

I did it by just messing around on the computer.  It's amazing how much time I can waste doing pretty much nothing at all.  I did nothing creative.  I did nothing to advance myself or my personal wealth or health.  I did absolutely nothing useful, I mean in the grand scheme of life.  It was useful to me that I removed a bunch of crap music from the iPod.  Okay, that needed to be done, but not needed to be done.  I spent 6 hours in the middle of the night doing nothing at all.

So now I'm awake, and I'll be awake for the next 23 hours or so.  My lovely wife supervised this post from begining to end.  She just told me my second paragraph of this post is "crap."  I would normally change it, but for the purpose of this particular post, I'm just going to leave it.  It really is crap, now that I've read it.  This is why I have a wife.  To read what I write and tell me it's not so good, so I can improve.

Have a fantastic day.  

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