I decided not to do a big series of posts talking about my favorite albums of 2011 this year, mainly because I didn't feel like there were many that qualified. That's not to say that I didn't listen to some outstanding tunes last year, but I just didn't feel like going into detail how much I loved them here in this space. I think it's because 2011 was such a different year in general, listening to music, while always a major part of my life, just sort of took a back seat in importance for the first time ever.
Obviously, 2011 will always be remembered as the year my daughter was born. Nothing tops that, not only in 2011, but in my entire life. But on top of that, there were a few other highlights throughout the year that stand out to me, clearer than ever before.
I want to give a lot of the credit to the Project 365 app for my iPhone. With that app, I was able to write up a summary of every single day of this past year. I believe I
wrote about that
before, but it's something that really helped me mentally chronicle what was 2011. After going through the app (or apps, as I bought the pro version in mid April), reading up what I wrote everyday and looking at the picture I posted with it, I get the sense of what was important to me on a day to day basis. Looking through it, what I learned is that I must have really liked it when Evie took a nap, since I pretty much mentioned it at least five times a week. I also really enjoyed hanging out with my friend Sean. He's pretty much the only real friend I have here, so it's always nice when he comes around, even if it's only for a few hours a couple times a month, and we really don't do anything special. It's just nice to have a friend sometimes, even if you don't do anything.
Another obvious big event of 2011 was going home twice. Once in February and once just last week. I think going home the second time didn't have the same wallop effect on my brain and conscious that the first one had. I mean, the first trip home was the first time I had been back to the place that was all I had ever known in two years. The second time, it was only 10 months after the first visit, but it meant more in different ways. My family got to meet/see Evie. I mean, all of our families got to see her and spend time with her. Both trips home were truly special in their own ways.
I'll forever look back on 2011 as that year where everything in my life changed, just like in 2009. But I also hope I never forget just how much NHL 11 I played and how much time I spent emotionally invested in the Nashville Predators. I think that's something, that mindset, would have been lost if it not for reviewing my Project365.
If you want to look through my year (at least since mid-late April) you can go
there and check it out. Some of the notes I left are really only meant to be understood by me, to jog my memory of the certain events. The comments might not make much sense to you. In fact, I bet somewhere in there, there will be some things written that you will interpret to mean something totally incorrect. But, nonetheless, if you want to check it out, go
here. I also hope I didn't write mean things about people... If so, I was just being honest, alright?
I think I should also mention what a big impact Spotify and Google+ had on my daily life. Spotify allowed me to discover so much new music, and all free and legal. Well, legal, but perhaps not "fair." That's a whole different blog post, however. Also with Google+, the Hangout feature allowed me to see my friends and family a lot more often via video chat, which is a wonderful thing.
Oh, and as far as that top music/albums of 2011? I guess I could list a few. These are the best albums I heard this year, in no particular order.
The Swellers - Good For Me
Manchester Orchestra - Simple Math
Balance and Composure - Separation
Aficionado - s/t
blink-182 - Neighborhoods
City and Colour - Little Hell
Childish Gambino - Camp
And lastly, this blog. During 2011, I transformed from bradperala.blogspot to bloggerated.com. I tripled my views on my posts by embracing sharing what I wrote to my friends and family. I used to want this to just be a place where I wrote stuff down and maybe 10 people would read it. I wrote a post a few weeks ago that got 250 views in one day. I'm actually getting paid to do this, albeit a very small amount, and I haven't even received a dime yet but it's accumulating.
Yes 2011 was a great year here at Bloggerated, but I want this space to grow even bigger in 2012. I just have to really focus on doing that this year. I hope to provide entertainment to everyone within this space, and I'm planning on working hard in the next 12 months to achieve that. All I want is to share what I like and what I think about, and I hope you can dig that and come back for more. If so, bookmark me, man. I try not to overwhelm people with stuff, but I'd like to remain on your radar, if you know what I mean.
And lastly, but not leastly, I want to thank my lovely wife for always being there for me. Without you, I am nothing but a walking sack. I would be lost, and I would be a totally different person if it wasn't for you, and not in a good way. You are the best person, and I'm thankful I get to spend everyday with you. If there was ever a blessing, it's you.
But seriously, go listen to those albums, everybody. At least the first six I listed there. It's good stuff, I promise. I wouldn't steer you wrong, my friends. Here's to 2011, and hopefully a wonderful 2012 as well.