So I've come up with a plan. You see, I actually live on the same street as Tennessee's lottery office here in Nashville. So this idea makes sense to me because the travel is minimal. Anyway, here it is.
Okay, someone won a bunch of money by winning the lottery, they have to go to the lottery office in their state's capitol. (at least that's where the lottery office was in Michigan and that's where it is in Tennessee.) What's one thing you would do if you won the lottery? Buy stuff, sure. But I'm sure you would be generous in giving some of it away, don't you think? You win the lottery, you go to the office, they give you your money and you couldn't be happier! You want to do something good with your new found fortune. As you exit the lottery office building, you see a homeless man, looking sad and disheveled, perhaps even holding a cute little baby. He's just asking for some spare change from passers-by. Well hey, you just won millions of dollars in the lottery, let's give this poor homeless man a fresh new start. Here's a pile of dough, young man. Spend it wisely.
You need to increase your likelihood of actually coming across a fresh new multimillionaire and convince them to give you money without actually asking. That's why you have to hang around the lottery office. Everyone that wins the lottery in Tennessee has to go through those doors. If you look sad enough, I'm sure those happy new rich folks will throw you a bone, right?
So that's my scheme to get rich quick. Don't just beg from the regular folks on the street or your family members. Beg from the lottery winners. Duh! You might not have the millions you would have if you actually won the lottery, but you will have something. And people win the lottery all the time! There are millions of people in Tennessee. Someone is going to win some sort of lottery on a regular basis. And as I said above, every single one of them has to walk through those doors.
Something tells me this isn't going to work, but if you need me, Evie and I are going off to rub some dirt on our clothes.
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