Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Movie Groundhog Day Was A Really Good Idea

This is probably the worst bit of writers block I've experienced as a blogger.  Well, this I guess this would be the worst bit of writers block I've ever had then, because I've never really written before the blog.  Well anyway, I don't know what to write.  I haven't known what to write for a while.  I feel like now that people are paying attention, this has to be good, and I just don't have any good ideas.  I could probably pound one out, like I'm currentlly doing, but I just don't have anything new or interesting to write about.

I figure now that it's February, I should get it together.  So that's why I came here, just to say that I'm sorry that I don't know how to write, I guess.  One thing I'll say, you need to ask yourself, January is over now, how was it?  You'll need to remember how it was at the end of the year when you ask yourself how 2012 went.  Remember the big things and write them down.  For me, January was marked by visitors.  We had people in the apartment for like, a total of a week and a half, which is always nice.  I'd chalk up January as a win.

Hey, here's a topic!  It's groundhog day!  Don't you think it's brilliant that the makers of the movie Groundhog day made their movie the way they did?  I mean, every year, we're talking about this movie.  It was funny, but there were a lot of funny movies throughout the years.  It's great! The Groundhog saw his shadow this morning so there's six more weeks of winter, which if it's like it's been, weather-wise, that's okay with me.  It's been super nice this winter, and I'll take more of it.

So yeah, that's all for today.  I'm happy I wrote something.  I hope you're happy having read it. 

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