Sriracha sauce. I know that many, many people are well aware of this sauce. I know that a lot of people love it. I know that a lot of people used to love it and are sick of it now. I know that I'm late to the party, probably. Heck, they flavored Lay's potato chips with it by popular vote. But yesterday I bought my own bottle of it for the house. I had it once before, a few months ago at Lipscomb's Bison Cafe while eating some kid of stir-fried noodles. It was awesome, but very spicy. Yesterday while shopping, I thought it would be a good idea to buy a bottle to keep here.
So last night we made Pigs in a Blanket (mine with veggie dogs, of course). I usually use ketchup to dip it in, and I did that. But I wanted to try out Sriracha sauce on there. It was pretty great. Not like, life changing, but pretty damn tasty. And hot. But then I put some sauce on some Cool Ranch Doritos and oh man that was real good. Something about the flavors mixing together was just too good. Then I realized that the delicious Sriracha sauce had caused me to eat far too much food and I was in pain. Too much of a good thing,
So there you go, I'm one of those people that puts Sriracha sauce on everything. Makes food taste good! I can't wait to find out how it tastes on more foods. Follow along on Twitter while I try out different foods with Sriracha sauce on it.
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