Sunday, July 21, 2013

No Phone Challenge Was a Success

My last post here was my 400th.  Congratulations go out to me for having a blog for four years.  I also crossed the 30,000 page view mark, so that's neat.  Most of my hits come from a post I did about your iPhone not being able to connect to the 4G network.  Get paid for any of this yet?


Anyway when I last left you, I was planning on doing the no phone challenge.  I did it!  I only used my phone when my wife called me during her lunch break, used Siri to text my wife to let her know I was on my way to pick her up from work, and at the end of the day, my good friend Sean texted me some interesting life happenings, so I had to respond to that.  So how did it go?  Pretty good, actually.  I watched Netflix, which is pretty unusual.  The hardest part was when the kids were napping, I couldn't just fiddle with my phone while watching TV.  I wanted to look up when someone died, but couldn't.  After the kids went to bed for the night, my wife was going on with her business reading Facebook, and all I could do was twiddle my thumbs and dream about going to bed.  Other than that, I didn't miss much.  I thought about it a lot in the morning, but as the day progressed, the less I cared about my phone.  Even in the next couple days, I found myself caring less about what was happening on Twitter or Words with Friends or anything else, really.  But by today, Sunday, I'm fully regressed back to addict.  But if I had to, I could go without my phone.  It would be okay.

It wasn't freeing, like some people have said it would fell like.  I just made me focus on other things.  I suggest you unplug sometime.  It's a little weird, but not life-changing, unless you're addicted to your phone worse than I was.  I don't know.  It wasn't that cool, but I'm glad I did it.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

No Phone Challenge is Tomorrow

I've changed the Hand Picked Song to your right to fit the theme of this week's posts.

Tomorrow is the day.  Tomorrow I will be going phoneless for the entire day.  I'll leave it on, you know, for actual phone calls, because those are allowed during this no-phone challenge.  I have kids and a wife who will be at work so I'll need to be able to use my phone to call or receive phone calls.  Other than that, no iPhone, no iPad, no laptop, even.  I discussed the plan with my wife and she said that the PS3 should be okay because it's just watching Netflix anyway.  I could go super caveman and say no TV or any screens all day, but that's just crazy.  Maybe next week.

So we'll see how it goes, but tomorrow I'll be digitally off the radar.  Have a good day.  

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The No-Phone Challenge

The other night, I was brushing my teeth before bed and checking Twitter while I did so.  As I scrolled along, my phone battery died.  I thought to myself, this sucks, I can't wait to plug my phone in so I can use it again.  Then I thought, what if I didn't plug my phone back in?  What if I went an entire day without the use of my phone?  Wouldn't that be a fun experience?

I'm addicted to my phone.  I freely admit it.  I look at it constantly.  It's sort of sad, really, but there's just so much entertainment on the thing, I can't put it down.  It's an addiction.  I might try the no phone for an entire day, but that day ain't today.  As soon as I got to bed that night, I plugged my phone in and continued on like normal.  It wont' be tomorrow, either because I need to use it tomorrow.  But soon, I think I will do it.  I don't know what extent I'll cut myself off at, like, I can still use the computer or no?  Use any electronic device like the PS3?  I don't know.  I'll have to decide on the extent, but I think that if I went at it hardcore, it might make for an interesting blog post, something that hasn't been written in a good long while.

Maybe next week.  I'll let you when I do it by writing about it the next day...or perhaps during.  We'll see.
