Sunday, July 21, 2013

No Phone Challenge Was a Success

My last post here was my 400th.  Congratulations go out to me for having a blog for four years.  I also crossed the 30,000 page view mark, so that's neat.  Most of my hits come from a post I did about your iPhone not being able to connect to the 4G network.  Get paid for any of this yet?


Anyway when I last left you, I was planning on doing the no phone challenge.  I did it!  I only used my phone when my wife called me during her lunch break, used Siri to text my wife to let her know I was on my way to pick her up from work, and at the end of the day, my good friend Sean texted me some interesting life happenings, so I had to respond to that.  So how did it go?  Pretty good, actually.  I watched Netflix, which is pretty unusual.  The hardest part was when the kids were napping, I couldn't just fiddle with my phone while watching TV.  I wanted to look up when someone died, but couldn't.  After the kids went to bed for the night, my wife was going on with her business reading Facebook, and all I could do was twiddle my thumbs and dream about going to bed.  Other than that, I didn't miss much.  I thought about it a lot in the morning, but as the day progressed, the less I cared about my phone.  Even in the next couple days, I found myself caring less about what was happening on Twitter or Words with Friends or anything else, really.  But by today, Sunday, I'm fully regressed back to addict.  But if I had to, I could go without my phone.  It would be okay.

It wasn't freeing, like some people have said it would fell like.  I just made me focus on other things.  I suggest you unplug sometime.  It's a little weird, but not life-changing, unless you're addicted to your phone worse than I was.  I don't know.  It wasn't that cool, but I'm glad I did it.  

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