The move day is coming ever closer. It's about four weeks away now, and we're starting to get prepared by going through some of our stuff that we don't need to move with us. We're assuming that our storage space is going to be limited, so we're getting rid of crap that we don't need. So yesterday, my lovely sister-in-law came by to watch the kids so the wife and I could go through our outside storage thing and deal with some of the stuff we don't need anymore. What we found was large totes full of books and movies that we really don't need anymore. So after weeding though it, we filled two totes full of VHS tapes and books to take to McKay's, a used junk superstore here in town. I'd never been to McKay's before yesterday, but I was really impressed with the place. I'd like to take a couple hours and go through that place because their inventory was quite vast. We barely got through the video games and used kids DVD's when the crap we brought was done being processed. Speaking of the process, I really liked that they have this open air sort of design to that area, where you can actually see the folks sorting through peoples stuff, looking up their values and stuff, right behind the desk when you walk in. Looked like a pretty interesting job, if you ask me. It didn't take long for our number to come up saying our thing was ready. We were expecting them to maybe take half of what we brought, which was sort of true. They took almost all of the books we brought and maybe a couple of the VHS tapes. Tapes I know they took were a box set Star Wars trilogy thing. I kinda figured they would take that. But we were only left with a couple books, and now I don't know what to do with VHS copy of Days of Thunder I still own. We were also not really expecting much of a return, money-wise from our transaction, so we were surprised to get $17 for all of it. But like I was saying, I look forward to going back there sometime and browsing around for a bit because there was a lot of stuff there.
Back to the cleaning out process, we were able to either throw away or donate a lot of stuff from the storage thing, so that's nice. There isn't much in the storage thing anymore, so it'll make moving day a lot easier. Next task is our walk-in closet, which I can't imagine there will be much to purge, but I also thought that about the storage thing, so we'll see, I suppose. The last time we moved, we waited until too close to the moving day to do this stuff, so I'm glad we're doing it now. It'll make that final week a lot less stressful. The hardest part of the purge, as you may or may not know, is that I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to stuff I've owned for a long time. Stuff I will never need anymore, but I don't want to separate from it. My brother worked long and hard to make me a compilation VHS tape of the best matches of Shawn Michaels' career, and I've had that tape in a box for 12 years. Yesterday, I threw it in a dumpster. Sorry, Matt. All those matches are on YouTube now, so if I want to watch one, I can anytime I want. It just feels weird to me, throwing away stuff.
The best thing about this purge is I found a whole bunch of old pictures. I can't wait to go through them, and post some of the better ones. Should be a lot of fun. Okay, that's all, for now. See ya later.
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