Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Very Special Valentine's Edition

So today is Valentine's day. Valentine's day is a very special day for those of you who need another day to express you're love for your significant other, at the same time as everyone else is expressing their love for their significant other. If you have a significant other, that is. If you don't have a significant other, then today can go a couple different ways. Either you use this day as a battle cry for you're sovereignty, or perhaps you use today to sulk about the fact that no one loves you. There is a major portion of people, I believe, that use the day to shun love, and put up a front that love doesn't matter and you don't need anyone. Some people genuinely don't like Hallmark holidays, me being one of them. But to go out and just yell about how it's stupid, when you're alone, is kind of stupid in itself. I don't personally care about the holiday. It really is something made up to sell cards, chocolate, and stuffed animals. But if it means something to my wife, then I have to pay attention, and at least try to make an effort. I have not made much of an effort in the past, because of the timing of the holiday. Our anniversary and her birthday fall two days apart, and less than a month before Valentines day. If I don't show her how much I love her on those events, than I'm surely trying to make up for lost ground on Valentines day. It's sort of my way of making it up to her for sucking on those other important days. But, unfortunately, I don't make much of an effort of Valentines day either because of the fact that I'm in general, not a great husband when it comes to these things.

But the people I feel for on a day like Valentine's day is the people who are alone and don't want to be. Everyone needs love. Love is great!

Oh and Speaking of Love, the new Angels & Airwaves album entitled Love is released today, and it is FREE OF CHARGE through iTunes. So I really don't see a reason not to go to iTunes right now and download it. It's frucking fee-free. You can have it for no money. There's no obligation, cancel any time. If nothing else, do me a favor and just go get it to give it the numbers. I bet you'll enjoy it as well.

So I hope you have love in your life. If not, I hope you find love today. What better day to find love than the lovey-doveiest of all holidays! Happy Valentine's day everybody!

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