Monday, February 15, 2010

Vote or Die

Well folks, the results from the Gotta Keep em' Bloggerated poll have finally been counted! The question asked is "Did you read today's blog?"

The winner, with ONE "yes."

da dadada da da duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! **cue confetti**

Did I really expect any other result? I was hoping for the Kindergarten Cop reference to get at least one vote. But that one vote went to the winner, and to be honest, the winner deserved it. When I realized that the poll had expired, I was not satisfied with the result, and like any good news network, I decided it was too close to predict a winner. So to ensure that a clear winner was chosen, I reopened the poll for an entire month! I was considering letting the supreme court decide the winner, but they got it wrong last time, so I couldn't trust them to handle this. I had to take matters into my own hands, and place the responsibility back on the people to decide what wins. When you vote on the poll, please keep in mind that not only is you're future dependant on it, but your children and your children's children.

I also considered changing the question. Any good politician would do that if they were not satisfied with the result they had been presented with. But I'm above that. I won't stoop to their levels.

So when you visit Gotta Keep em' Bloggerated, remember...VOTE OR DIE.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, Big Dave and Company voted BY PROXY during the first session of the poll, so we don't appreciate the threats about living vs. dying. :p
