Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'll take a pack of Camel Lights please.

So it's no secret at this point that attempts to quit smoking are over for the time being. I already talked about that. So let me talk about enjoying cigarettes instead.

I have smoked Camel brand cigarettes for my entire adult life. All other cigarettes taste like shit compared to Camels. Camel switched their blend of their filters and lights back in 2008, I believe, and they were seriously improved. Anyway, I had been smoking Camel Turkish Royal for years before the blend switch, but they were becoming increasingly difficult to find at the store. So when I found out that the new blend was a serious improvement to the taste of a Camel Light, I switched to those and haven't looked back.

As you may have noticed back in 2009, legislation was passed to give power to the FDA to regulate the tobacco industry. The first announcement they made was that they were going to do-away with labeling cigarettes as "Light" or "Ultralight" because this gave the impression to the consumer that having a Light cigarette was safer than having "full flavor" cigarette. There is a big difference. I was worried that getting rid of "light" cigarette labeling would mean the end of my Camel Lights and I would have to smoke full flavor, which make my lungs hurt.

Then I completely forgot about the whole thing, altogether.

That is, until this morning. I went to my friendly neighborhood Exxon store and purchased two packs of Camel Lights. People, I did not get what I asked for. I set the new packs I bought next to the old pack that I hadn't finished yet, I noticed that there was a bit of a difference. One was labeled Camel Light, the other? Camel Blue.

Camel Blue? Well, at least I know they're not ditching lights. They are literally just not labeling them light anymore. Will that change how people view them? No, not if you already know that the Camels in the blue and white packages are the lights. That's what they've been packaged as for so long now, you're only fooling the fools.

So in case you were wondering, Camel Lights are now Camel Blues. Check it out sometime.

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