Saturday, October 30, 2010

Posts About Babies: Eating for Two

Here's my problem. I live with a pregnant woman. And as you may know, pregnant women eat a lot more than regular women. That shouldn't mean that I have to eat more food, but when the person I'm married to eats all the time, so do I. It's just the way it works, I guess. She needs to eat a snack, I do to. Therefore, I'm eating a lot more often, and it often happens to be food that's not exactly healthy. This is my choice, and I'm just a weakling who wants to eat delicious food, without really thinking about the consequences.

Well, as it tends to happen, when you increase your calorie intake, you also increase your waistline. This is happening. I see it in my reflection. I'm gaining weight at an alarming rate, and I don't really have the motivation to counter the calorie intake with exercise, even though I know that must be done if I want to keep my chiseled bod in tact. For some reason, I just don't care.

But I do care, or else I wouldn't be writing this post right now. So now I have to concentrate on either cutting my ridiculous intake of food, or start walking my ass to the fitness center. I can't get super fat. I just can't let myself get to that point. Because shit rolls down hill, and it's so hard to get back to where you once were. We Americans are so good at putting weight on, because it's so easy. We have some really convenient choices in food, that also happen to taste awesome, but also will put pounds on you. I need to start thinking about it again.

I don't have to eat for two, but I am anyway.

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