I hate to be this way, but Google+ isn't gonna work out. I like it, I'll continue to use it as long as my friends do to, but it's not going to work like they said it would.
Facebook has it down, where you are friends with everyone you've ever met. Myspace was sort of that way too, where you had over one-hundred friends, most likely. When I signed up for Twitter iin 2009, when it was starting to blow up, I figured that was where everyone was going to gravitate towards next. But it never happened. There was a select few that did, a certain circle of friends not afraid to try out the new social networking service that limited your posts to only 140 characters. What I noticed is that after about six months, the new sign-ups of my extended circle of friends came to a sudden halt, and even some of the people that were my earliest friends just suddenly stopped tweeting. There has been about 3 people that I know personally that have signed up for Twitter since that initial six month signup frenzy.
Then came along Google+. It's supposed to challenge Facebook for users, but I'm sensing a trend here. A Trending Topic, if you will. The same 15 or 20 people that signed up for Twitter in that initial flurry are the same 15 or 20 or so people that are on Google+ with me. I think most people are comfortable with what they know, and what they know is Facebook. I really thought that since Google has all kinds of cool things you can do that their developers have come up with that people would like to have all their stuff wrapped up into one neat package. What they want is their Gmail and Facebook open at the same time in different tabs. Google+ probably won't fail miserably into a ball of fire, but it's going to be more like Twitter, where you have a select few friends that signed up for it, and no one new signing up for it for a long, long time.

Then came along Google+. It's supposed to challenge Facebook for users, but I'm sensing a trend here. A Trending Topic, if you will. The same 15 or 20 people that signed up for Twitter in that initial flurry are the same 15 or 20 or so people that are on Google+ with me. I think most people are comfortable with what they know, and what they know is Facebook. I really thought that since Google has all kinds of cool things you can do that their developers have come up with that people would like to have all their stuff wrapped up into one neat package. What they want is their Gmail and Facebook open at the same time in different tabs. Google+ probably won't fail miserably into a ball of fire, but it's going to be more like Twitter, where you have a select few friends that signed up for it, and no one new signing up for it for a long, long time.
But the thing is, I don't think we want to be friends with everyone we ever met again. I hate to say it, but Google+ is doomed to fail, at least in it's goal of taking down Facebook as the king of social media. I hope I'm wrong, in a way, I have no problem with Facebook, I just want something fresh. Google+ is pretty cool. But it's not going to win.
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