Okay, but seriously, we all know that the world isn't going to end next Friday, but what if it was? Would it hurt to live this week as if it were? I think it would be pretty cool if we all lived one week as if it were our last. That guy Tim McGraw has it right, man. Living like you were dying would be pretty cool. 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Manchu. I think it's important to know that tomorrow isn't guaranteed, and we need to seize the moment now! So I say let's pretend that the world is ending next Friday. This would be the best week of our lives! When it doesn't end, that's great, and life could just go on, and we'll continue on with whatever we were doing before this week started.
The problem, now that I think about it, is that if you were to live like there was no next week, and then there was actually a next week, you would probably do some shit you would regret. I mean, the appeal of living like there will be no next week is that there is no consequences for your actions, right? So if you decide to try to bang a bunch of chicks, do a bunch of blow and steal a bunch of money, if there was no next week, you wouldn't have to answer to those actions. But the reality is, there will be a next week, and you would probably get sent to jail for some of that stuff, so probably don't do that.
But maybe this is a chance to do something daring, something that you would only do if there was no repercussions? But maybe when you decide to do something weird, just know that there will be a next week, and you may have to answer to someone about it. But choose somehthing that's a little scary, and have a blast while doing it. I refuse to say "you only live once," but I mean...it's sort of true, no?
Let me know how you spend your Apocalypse week! Have a good last week on Earth!!!
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