Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bloggerated Lives + Grooveshark Player

Alright big news here at Bloggerated.  First off, I had my domain name, expire this past week, and if I didn't renew it, I'd have lost everything, so I had to pay the man, and we're back in business. I really didn't want to have to start over.  So we'll be bloggin here at this ol' site for at least another year!

Secondly, I was jamming some Orange 9mm over on Grooveshark when I noticed that there was a "share song" option.  I was pretty excited, because I want to share music with you guys whenever possible.  Music is a passion of mine, so I'd like to be able to tell you what I like when I like it.  I was able to add an HTML gadget to the sidebar of ye old blog, in which I can add whatever song from Grooveshark I'd like.  So, now you can come here and listen to the "Hand Picked Song" whenever you wanna know what's good.  I'm the authority on good music...said no one ever.  But still, I'd like to think I know what I'm talking about.  I probably won't announce that I've replaced the song, and I won't know if you actually listened to the song or not, but hey, it's there for you if you'd like.  I imagine I'll continue to post songs and stuff from bandcamp when I feel like it.  Grooveshark's library is rather limited, so who knows if be able to post exactly what I want.  You won't know those details, however, because it doesn't matter.  So first off, I've posted a song by Polar Bear Club that I happen to think is real good.  It'll probably be there a little while until I remember to change it.  Remember when I had that sweet player?  That was the best.  Well now I have this Grooveshark thing.  Enjoy some music!

So that's what's up here.  Nothing but business in this post.  Oh by the way, in case you hadn't noticed, it's somehow it's December already. That was fast, eh?

Well anyway, have a solid weekend.  I'll be around to blog some more real soon.  I've got thoughts rattling around up there, so hopefully I'll write them down before I forget them.  

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