Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy Birthday, Evelyn!

Happy Birthday to my lovely little girl Evelyn.  She turns one-year-old today!  So cool, man.  It's amazing how fast time flies.  One year already.  Crazy crazy crazy.

Well I have not much else to say here, I just wanted to post a picture of her on here from one year ago today and to say how much I love her.


Things have been wild and crazy around my apartment lately.  With Evie's birthday and subsequent party for said birthday, we've got a revolving door of family visitors this week, and especially this weekend, so needless to say, I've been busy.  I'll use that as an excuse as to why I promised to be a better blogger, then took three weeks off between posts...

Well, have a fine day, today.  And again, happy birthday, Evie!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Vloggerated Returns!

Yeah, dude.  I've made a video blog, or "vlog."  I know you know what that is, I'm sorry for wording it that way, but I was trying to be funny.  Okay, enough trying to fill up space with words, just watch the video, dudes.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Let's Do This

I need to quit over thinking this thing.  I've started each post lately the same way, and this one is no different.  My aversion to writing is seriously getting me down.  Back at the beginning of the year, I wrote a piece summarizing 2011, and in that post, I set a goal to work hard to make this an excellent blog in 2012.  A quarter of the way into this year, I have completely failed.  I was building momentum, and I may have ruined it.  Just have a look at this chart of my blog stats.

Just look at that drop off.  Ugh.  Well, All I'm saying today is that I'm ready to take this back to a new level, or perhaps only back to the previous level I was at until I got all worried about what I wrote and if it was good enough for you all to read.  So yeah, I might just start posting for the sake of posting again.  I think it'll help me get out of this funk I'm in. 

Also, this week, I personally guarantee the return of VLOGGERATED. Now that I got a haircut, I ain't afraid to step in front of the camera again.  Let's do this! I'm pumped!