Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Greatest Fall Of All Time

Hey everyone, just thought I'd mix it up with an evening edition!

Now that fall has finally arrived in Middle Tennessee, I can finally break out that hooded sweatshirt that I wear for six months straight. Well, maybe not the same sweatshirt, but one of a few different ones that I have acquired in the last few years. Anyway, I really like wearing them, because they are warm and they make me look cooler, in my opinion. Sometimes, you just like to wear certain clothes because you like how they make you look. For me, its the zip-up hooded sweatshirt. The pull-over kind is pretty good too, but I like the zip-up kind, mainly because you don't have to get your hair all static-y every time you put it on or take it off.

The problem is that "fall"weather here in Middle Tennessee isn't exactly what I had experienced in the good ol' U.P. For example, the forecast for Negaunee tomorrow is some sun with a shower, high of 53, low of 32. In Nashville, it's bright sun and pleasant, high of 74, low of 49. That's a big difference. But having the high temperature for the past six months around 90, 74 feels like sweatshirt weather, for sure. Nonetheless, it still feels like fall, because it's cooler and the sunshine is coming in at a different angle than it was in the summer, which is a big deal that I don't think many people realize matters in what season it feels like outside. As the world turns, the sun gets lower and lower in the sky and makes everything lit just ever so slightly differently, and no matter where you are, it feels like fall, because the sun angle tells you so, even if you didn't fully realize it.

But the point here is that fall is my favorite season, for sure. I always used to vote summer, since my summers were filled with doing a whole lot of nothing, except sleeping in and being a lazy teenager. Now, it doesn't matter what season it is, I have to go to work. Football, Playoff Baseball, eventually there will be Hockey. Halloween, probably my favorite holiday. Too bad the leaves won't be falling off the trees here in Nashville for another month or so. True story. I'll let you know when they finally start turning.

Until tomorrow. Have a good day.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Posts About Babies: Name It

So I know I want to post an update at least weekly, maybe a few times a week of what I'm going though as a dad-to-be. That's the easy part. The hard part was trying to come up with a name for the posts. I thought of "BabyPocalypse" or "Childageddon" or something like that, but I don't know, man. I also thought of calling them "Countdown to Pizza" but that doesn't make much sense, now does it?

No, I deffenitely need a name for these posts. I like how that's what I'm dealing with as a dad-to-be right now, whereas the mom-to-be is dealing with "ligement pain" and an expanding belly, which makes clothes not fit quite right. She's dealing with food aversion, and gag-reflexing, and as of Sunday, puking. She's dealing with taking awful-tasting gummy prenatal vitamins. She's dealing with starting to cry at the sight of things that would not move most people, emotionally. She wants to go back to bed, and has done so, about 3 hours after she wakes up. She is perpetually tired.

Meanwhile, I can't figure out what to name my posts about soon-to-be-fatherhood. That's what I'm dealing with. I'm also in charge of making her breakfast every single morning, no matter what (unless I'm off to work, obviously). I have been making more of an effort to be understanding in her time of emotional rollercoaster, though to her credit, she has been doing quite well on this front. She hasn't really bit my head off, unless I deserved it, which I'll admit, because I'm still trying to quit smoking, therefore, sometimes I'm not exactly the nicest person to be around either.

All in all, things are pretty normal around here. There's no real change as far as routine, because things haven't started to really be fucked with yet. So I'm thinking of a name for the baby posts, and I would love you're help, if you would like to help! That would be great!

Comment below or contact me via facebook, email, or twitter!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Letter Association, Revisited.

Man, I got a confession to make. I have been way ahead of myself on these blog posts. Every blog post that has been on a weekday since I started getting my act together and blogging on consecutive days, has been written the day before, and posted the following morning. I didn't write on Friday, but I posted on Friday. That's why I love the blogger, man. Write when I can, post as needed.

Well, I'm writing today to tell you that even this blog you are reading, was written yesterday. But does that matter? If the words are still relevant, it doesn't matter if they were written in April, right?

Not entirely sure why I'm confessing this to you, as it really doesn't matter at all, but I wanted to tell you this.

I was mentally blogging in the shower again, and I was thinking about the post I did where I associated letters with one vowel to make an abbreviation, and they all worked out. I wanted to do that again, but this time with the letter O. How do you all feel about that? Good! Let's do it!

OA: Where you tell the dog to go when he's begging. "go OA, dog."
OB: Out of bounds
OC: Orange County, made famous by a shitty TV show I never watched.
OD: Over-Dose
OE: Old English. This is usually followed by the number 800 by college kids and alcoholics.
OF: Of Montreal. Of...It's just of.
OG: Original Gangsta
OH: I can't think of anything...Oh, wait, I just thought of something!
OJ: Orange Juice
OK: Everything will be OK, I promise
OL: The Ol Oak Tree
OM: Odyssey of the Mind. Took me forever to figure out how to spell that. Not Odyssey, but Mynd, or minde or whatever.
ON: I'm totally ON that last description. I'm also ON to you, you sneaky bastard.
OO: spaghetti-o's
OP: Ocean Pacific. A clothing company that failed geography in elementary school.
OQ: What you say when you see a picture of a puppy or a baby and you're not really that interested
OR: this OR that. So choose wisely.
OS: Operating System
OT: Overtime. As in, I'm not even supposed to be here today.
OU: University of Oklahoma. Or what you say when your suprised to find out who stole your shit.
OV: Nickname of a really good hockey player.
OW: what you say when you burn you're tongue on hot soup.
OX: an Oxen. Or the last thing you say before sufficating in outer space."Oh SHIT I'm out of ox..."
OY: OY OY OY! OY PUNX! Bitter rivals of OI punx.
OZ: Oz, as in the Wizard of OZ, or the prison show that my mom wouldn't let me watch when we used to have HBO.

Yeah, I'd say the O worked just as good as the A. Let's bring this back another time, shall we?

Monday, September 27, 2010

E Du Toilette's and Whatnot

The polls have closed on the reader poll and the winner of favorite day of the week was Saturday. What does this mean? That people love the weekend?


Okay, what was I expecting, a rush of votes for Thursday? Who the fuck likes Thursday? Although, someone did vote for Tuesday...What is wrong with you? Tuesdays are the worst.

Alright so I got the latest issue of Sports Illustrated, right? No, this isn't about sports. This is about the cologne that came for free inside the magazine. They don't do it often in SI, but I love it when they put those pages in. Peel them apart, you get to smell what that perfume/cologne/e du toilette smells like. Bonus! Nice thing about a person like me, I have no shame rubbing an entire magazine page against my skin so that I get to smell like the expensive cologne, for free. Well, that just happened. The only problem is, whatever the smell is or whoever makes it, I now smell like the Mall at Green Hills. Which I'm pretty sure means I smell like Abercrombie & Fitch. Is that good or bad? The cologne is not A&F, I guess it's actually Ralph Lauren, and surely don't have the ripped abs of the dudes in A&F ads. I remember walking past A&F store at some mall, somewhere, and there were real people standing in front of the store. One guy and one girl, if I'm not mistaken, and their job was to stand there and look hot. WOW. Just be hot, and get paid. Dream job, right there.

So anyway, I got free smells this morning. Suck it. I ain't buying your cologne, Ralph Lauren, because you just gave it to me, for free. I'll keep rubbing this page on me until it stops transferring. There's four different scents on here, so I might be here a while. Suckers.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Giving God a Chance

Hell, even my eyes glazed over when reading that last post. ech, sorry about yesterday (Editors Note: today's post as well, bear with me!) . More comedy coming soon...

Anyway let me touch on a few topics here. Yesterday, I did something I haven't done, 10 years, maybe? More than 10 years? I don't remember, but...I went to church. Now, this wasn't your typical church thing. No, this was a lot more laid back. This was more like a community of people coming together to talk about the Bible and God. Not so bad. They had fantastic coffee available. It was nice. I would go there, if I wasn't up to anything else. Why the HELL not? Right?

I consider myself agnostic, which means I'm not against religion, I just question everything. Instead of just sitting on the sidelines, leaning towards atheism, perhaps I need to be on the inside for a minute. I should probably take in that other side, seriously, to find out where I belong. I'm sure this will be a good thing, whatever conclusion I come up with. If there is a God, I doubt we could ever know about it, because I don't think we are capable of that. Know what I mean? But I'd like to try to find out.

I try to take the BD&C aproach to Religion and Politics on this blog lately, which means, don't touch those topics. But, It's not like I'm debating the merits of the church, or tearing it down. No, I went to church and I didn't hate it. That doesn't mean I'm going to become a church nut. Though when I was listening to him talk, I can see why people do become religious crazies. I can see how persuasive and powerful the Bible can be, as well as the way it's interpreted, and then preached from. I'm smart enough to know when I've had enough Bible thumping, and when to walk away, if need be. But I'm approaching the situation with an open mind. I'm not resisting this. I'm giving it a shot.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Long (shot) Job Interview

I had quite the experience yesterday at the hands of one of the largest hospitality companies in the world.

I went for a job interview with Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center, or whatever it's called. From here on, I'll call it Opryland for the shorter typing advantage. Just so you know what I'm talking about.

What I learned is that Gaylord has a lot of money. That's for sure. Apparently, Opryland Hotel is the largest hotel and convention center in the entire world. Found that out too. Usually, if you have the "largest" of something, especially a business, you have a lot of money. Well, I have not seen much of Opryland from the inside before, although I have heard that it is absolutely beautiful. My wife has seen it and took some pictures, and I have seen various pictures here and there from the inside. I only saw a very limited portion of the place, and what I saw was actually kind of boring. I was in the Presidential Ballroom area, and they had a lot of room dividers up for different phases of the interview process. It still looked pretty grand, nonetheless.

So to start the day off, I drank a few cups of coffee, took a shower, and put on my shirt and tie, and put my resume into a folder. I set off, for my interview.

I parked the car at the designated parking area, which was a Baptist church across the street from Opryland, got checked in, and boarded a charter bus. After sitting on the bus for nearly an hour, due to them being backed-up at the next phase of the process, I finally arrived at the Presidential entrance thingy. When the other 50 or so people and I got off the bus, we were greeted by a bunch of guys and gals in suits and stuff giving us a round of applause. That was a pretty neat feeling, getting clapped at for no reason other than us getting job interviews. Well, then it was time to stand in line to get checked in. That took, oh, I'd say about a half hour. Then, it was to a holding area where we sat and watched a hokey video produced by them showing their employees having a good time, playing brooms as fake guitars to various hit songs, and stuff like that. Employees dancing around.

We were then escorted to a room where a trainer lady gave us some info about Gaylord and Opryland in general. That's where I learned about the size of the place I was in, and whatnot. We watched a welcome video, saying how great it is to work at Opryland. This got me thinking, Man, they are spending a lot of time and effort telling us how great a job this is, that were trying to get. Why would they do that? We're already here, it's not like they need to convince us not to leave or whatever. Why are they bothering with all of this? I never got an answer to that. I still don't know why they would do that, except that it gives me reason to believe it's actually a cooler job than I even realized. Or, they're hiding something, but I doubt that. All I ever herd was how great of a place this is to work at.

Well anyway, that part ended and we went into another waiting area, with like, 50 to 75 chairs set up, where we were waiting for the next phase, which was the "screening" process. I waited longer than everyone else in my initial group, which I knew was a bad sign. I had applied for the job of Guest Service Agent. When they finally called my name, I went into a big room with several tables set up and people interviewing people, and sat at a little round table with a nice lady, whom I didn't catch the name of. She asked me basic questions like if I had ever been arrested or if I had any speeding tickets. Then she asked me to tell her about a time where I had to work in a team, and how that worked out. I told her about some bullshit time where as a slot tech, we had to work together to do a machine install, which I think was bullshit. I wasn't a tech when they did the massive install back in 2006. I was a guard, so I lied. I panicked. I totally lost it. How in the hell was I unprepared for the "teamwork" question? Note taken.

Didn't matter much anyway, as she proceeded to tell me the position I applied for had been filled, but they had a seasonal opportunity that would end at the beginning of next year. After carefully weighing my options, I decided not to leave my current full-time job for a temporary one, and she escorted me out to the bus again. THE END.

I didn't get a job at Opryland, and that's okay. I had that feeling of being rejected on the drive home, even though that was not really the case. I absolutely knew going into it that I would not get a job at Opryland. There are a lot of unemployed people out there, and this was a huge hiring event. Thousands upon Thousands of people had come out for the event, and without an outstanding resume, I would most likely not get a job there, so the dejections were minimal. I just wish I hadn't spent four hours of my day off trying. What it did do for me was make me realize that this was a place I would definitely like to work in the future. My eyes are open to that place, and I will be back, trying again next time, for sure. I really liked it there, and I know it would be a huge improvement of employer. The company I currently work for is pretty cheap-o. There's a reason they have such a high turnover rate. Fill spots with warm bodies until they get fed up and quit, then replace them with other warm bodies. This is a job for people to have while they're looking for other jobs.

Overall, it was a good experience, and I didn't blow it. I just had no leverage. I was in no way, a stand-out candidate. Oh well, I'll keep looking for more money in other ways and with other jobs. Until I do, I'll happily show up for this one. It's better that a lot of the other people that were out there looking for a job at Opryland, when they have no other job. In that way, I am truly fortunate.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Announcement

Ive met a lot of people in my life. I have a certain expectation, I suppose, when it comes to people in the world. While I have met some truly wonderful people in my time here on earth, none have really been perfect in every way. My lovely wife has been pretty close. I do love her a lot. But no one is quite right.

Well, you know what they say, if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself, right? So I'm just going to go ahead and make my own.

Thats right, I'm making a person. Well, technically, my wife is making a person. She is growing one in her belly right now. Pretty weird/cool. I saw it yesterday. I saw a heart beating inside a chest of a little person inside of my wife. While I knew she was pregnant, four diferent little sticks on which you pee have said that it is so. Yesterday was the true first time it really, really sank in. A little new version of me, who has all kinds of potential to do great things. Coupled with my wife's ambition to be successful, and my awesomeness, this kid will be a prodigy. Okay, maybe I'm stretching it a little bit here, but I believe there are great things about to happen, to a lot of people in my family and in life in general.

I'm happy to give a grandbaby to my parents. My mom is ecstatic. My dad says he's "tickled pink" at the thought. We got so much love on Facebook yesterday when we announced it, I was a bit overwhelmed. A very high percentage of my friends on there turned out to wish congratulations and best-wishes. Pretty neat to see the people you know/knew give so much love.

So all in all, yesterday was a pretty neat-o day. I'm going to have a baby. I imaging I'll keep that subject in mind when posting for the next...well probably for the rest of my life. Things are a changin' but I'm not too worried about it. Change is good. I'm still the drummer for I'm Not A Bazooka, and I will be until they kick me out. That will hopefully never happen.

Okay, my dog is really asking to go out and poo now. Thanks for reading. Have a nice day.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Change of Heart

Seven days in a ROW I have blogged. You're welcome, America.

It's amazing what spending time with someone you didn't really know before can do for your personal feelings towards said person. Let's say you have developed an opinion about someone before you actually gotten to know this person. We as people tend to do this a lot. As they say, stereotypes are a real time saver. People make conclusions based on first impressions. Everyone, weather good or bad. When your first impression is this, it may take a lot of eye-opening on a personal level to change ones initial perception. Well, I have to admit...That. Just. Happened.

I have had the pleasure of working with her for about two weeks now, and I have to tell you, she's just a young, fun ex-college girl. Nothing else. Yes, she has made some questionable professionalism decisions here at this job, but what the fuck? Why should that reflect on her personality? What I've found is a person with a pretty pleasant personality, who can joke around and have some fun at work. That's all I really need in a coworker. Her and I are able to do our "things" at work, (by things, I mean carefully slack off) and do it without stepping on each others toes. Absolutely wonderful.

So, whatever I said about her in the previous, well-read and well-recieved rant, I have to take back a lot of it. The bummer part is she is leaving this job in a few days. Her last day will be the first, and I'll really be a sad guy, because I was really starting to enjoy working with her. Now, I'll most likely be stuck with some clueless twit whom I have to retrain every night. No, not probably. Definitely. This is a fact. She is already on the weekend graveyard shifts, and I'm sure she will be moved into the Mon.-Fri. shift. Motherfucker, I'm not to thrilled about it, either.

Good thing I have a job interview on Friday...right?

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fun With Google Scribe

If you don't know what Google Scribe is, well, this is what it just resulted for me. Enjoy the nonsense....

So what are you doing today to kill the bacteria causing the infection in these animals? Because I am not sure if they still exist. Therefore, we can see how much money they have. Information for advertisers to gather information about their visitors. When they were not able to be added to the list. It will then disappear into the night. The first step towards sustainable design features that Nike will be releasing their new single on itunes.

That just happened. All with Google scribe.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bang the Drum

I love the fact that I play drums. I really do. There are a lot of really, really good drummers in the world, and I know I have a few years of solid dedication ahead of me if I ever wanted to be anywhere near as good as the dudes that are all over YouTube. Years. I feel that the drums come naturally to me, and that makes life a lot easier because if you know me, you know that I don't really like to stick with stuff and practice at it a lot. Some people are just natural guitar player and some people are just natural video gamers. Some people just are able to do things without even really trying. Thankfully, I can play the drums pretty good without really trying.

Yes, I'm tooting my own horn this morning, mainly because I'm proud of myself and my abilities. Nothing wrong with that, is there?

Well, I do want to be better. I want to be one of those guys on YouTube. I do. I just don't have the ambition, or the practice space/time to do so. Drums are loud, folks. And for those of you that don't know, I live in an appartment building, and I have neighbors above me and beside me. There is not really any way for me to practice on a full kit here at home. That means I only get to play during band practice on Mondays. Bummer. I try to take advantage of that time to get better, and I'm always mentally practicing. That's a huge part of the whole thing. I think about drumming, pretty much always subconsciously. And I drum on every hard surface I come in contact with, which I'm sure gets annoying for everyone else.

But yeah, drumming is a passion of mine and I want to be one of the best in the world. I hope someday I can get the dedication and the practice space to be able to reach that goal, and if not all the way, perhaps be recognized as one of the greats. I wonder how much lessons cost?

I remember reading something by some drummer somewhere, and he was saying that when he's on tour, he'll stop by the music store wherever he happens to be, and try to get a lesson with the instructor there, because there is always something new to learn from someone. That dedication is amazing to me, and I hope to someday get there, for real. And this drummer I talk about, though I don't remember off the top of my head who it was, was a really, really good drummer. Goes to show that no matter how good you think you are, you can always try to get better. If you think you have reached the best you can ever be, why are you still here?

You can apply this to everyday life. Whatever you are passionate about, you can always get better at it. It just takes that constant inner voice to tell you that you are not quite there yet. Just know that you will never be as good as the next guy, and use that as motivation. Just go do it. Just be better at it, whatever "it" is.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wanna Buy Em'? Real Cheap.

Right this second, I'm supposed to be grocery shopping, but I had to run home to take a dump. Whilst shitting, I got really inspired. Well, to be honest, I got inspired yesterday, but I was watching the NFL all day, so I didn't want to take my eyes off the screen for 10 minutes to write anything.

With the start of the NFL season, I will now spend the Sundays between now and sometime in early February with my eyes glued to the television for approximately 10 hours straight. It's amazing to me, because when someone asks me what my favorite sport is, I usually respond with "baseball." This is true, baseball is my favorite sport, but there is no ritual to watching baseball like there is for watching football. Ever since I was a young lad, it has been ingrained to my brain that you spend your Sundays watching football all day. I learned this from my Dad, and it has carried on to me, and I hope it will carry on to my children someday as well. But football isn't even my favorite sport. I watch more football than any other sport, and I'm pretty sure this is true for all of America as well. No, not pretty sure...this is a fact. The NFL is a monster because millions of people just like me spend their entire Sundays camped out on the couch with snacks, beer, and other assorted health hazards and watch grown men chase inflated, misshapen, funny-bouncin' balls around all day. So how does the NFL cash in? By selling massive amounts of advertising. Yes, it gets very irritating seeing the same companies advertising the same shit for 10 straight hours, but we just kind of live with it, and hope that there are two different games going on at the same time, so we can flip the channel when it's commercial time. Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Budweiser, Miller, Coors, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint. Cellphones, trucks, and beer. That's what I gathered from watching the NFL yesterday. Also, the Titans need to shape up their offense in a hurry.

It's probably sad that I know that out of those companies listed above, of which there are three of each category, I know which ones are the "official sponsors." Coors, Ford, and Sprint. How do I know that? Repetition. Does it make me want to buy any of those products any more than the others? No. These companies are huge, huge companies. And what got my brain churning was asking myself why on earth they need to spend millions and millions and millions of dollars reminding us that they exist. That's the reason for advertising, isn't it? To remind us all that they exist, and when we are making a purchasing decision, to keep them in mind? I'm pretty sure that the majority of Americans are touched, one way or another, by each of these nine companies. I drive a Ford, and I have AT&T phone service. Do they spend the millions and millions so no one else can enter as competition, expect the established ones as listed above? For some reason, Anheuser-Busch needs to fucking remind you every four to 13 minutes that they sell Bud Light and it gets the party started when you drink it. It obviously works, because they do it. They are a business, and they make decisions to make them more money, and it must be by throwing a ridiculous amount of money at the NFL to have the privilege to do so. That's the only problem I have with Sundays in front of the TV. Too much bullshit advertisements.

I hope someone got the Goonies reference in the post's title. Please say you did, and don't lie.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Trapped in a Web

To me, It's amazing the things one would do on the internet. There is a total diference of using the computer when you are trying to kill time and when you are trying to get something done. Let's say you want to make a payment to your car insurance, so you go to the website, and while you're at it, you might as well check you're Facebook and emails, too, right? As you check the other sites that you didn't set out to check, you find that you care less about what is there, like, an interesting email about how Tim Lincecum is dominating the National League West, but you didn't come here to see that, really. You signed up for those emails, and you like to see that every once in a while, but not today. You're on a mission, but you felt you had to check you're email while you were here, right? But you're not really paying much attention to what you are checking. You don't want to let you're emails get out of hand because then you'll probably just delete all the unread emails because you REALLY don't have time for that shit.

But then there are the times, like I used to have back at the casino, where I would waste a solid three hour block of time watching videos on YouTube. No problem there, because I had no mission when I went to the computer. I was simply killing time. I like the internet better when I have hours to waste. It's funnier that way, I think. There is a lot of great comedy on the internet these days.

So anyway, not much to report today. I discovered Google Reader yesterday, that's sort of what inspired this post. They have this thing on there called Google Reader Play, which you can rifle through things that are somehow popular, and enjoy them. That's a time-waster, no-mission type thing. Do that when you have no bills to pay. I found it fun. Let me try to include a link here...Let me see...Here try this out. I hope that works.

Enjoy the internet. It's currently killing the Sunday newspaper for me. I'd like to read that, but damn this internet thing is so fantastic.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Blogging On The Fly: The History of Oregon

I have written and deleted two separate blog posts this morning. Entire, proofread, edited blogs. I just didn't feel like wasting peoples time with talking about me. The posts were about how I like music and sports and how I don't want to annoy my twitter followers. I deleted them. I can't do those posts today.

I can't talk about me today. I need something else.

I got an idea. How about I talk about a state. Give you all the history and back story, all the facts you didn't know! It's a Saturday morning history lesson!

Now, to pick a state. The first state that popped in to the ol' noggin was Oregon. I know very little about this Pacific Coast juggernaut, except there is a lot of pine trees, maybe. I think I know enough about the state for you to all learn something today. Let's do this.

Oregon (pronounced Ore-e-gen, not Ore-a-gone) is a state in the pacific northwest area of the United States of America. Established in 1873, the territory was originally part of California, but split away after the Great Disagreement of 1872, when the land owners along what is now the Oregon/California border couldn't agree on who's beach was who's, so they drew a line in the sand, and a boarder was created, which was then extended to neighboring Idaho. The territory was granted statehood in 1876, by President Ulysses S. Grant. Most of the people who initially arrived in Oregon had gotten there via the Oregon Trail, which was rife with Dysentery and Typhoid Fever and snake bites, which would more than likely slowly kill you're entire family, while you're off trying to carry back 418 pounds of bear meat. Anyway, the settlers of Oregon would all congregate in one of two cities, Portland or Eugene. No one lived anywhere else in the state, because there were too many trees to cut down, and these two cities were the only places in the state that had any open space. There has never, ever been a shortage of lumber in Oregon. Ever.

Soon after settling in the two cities, the people of Portland established the Portland Trailblazers, in 1874, which eventually gained national recognition in 1984 for drafting Clyde "The Glide" Drexler. Between the years 1874 and 1984, no one had ever heard about the Trailblazers, and they finished last or near last in their division almost every year until reaching the finals in 1992, only to be crushed by Michael Jordan and the Bulls. Additionally, no one had ever heard of Eugene, Oregon until 1997, with the release of Sublime's self-titled album, in which near the end of the song "April 26, 1992", singer Bradley Nowell mentions the city by name, as having "riots on the streets." Since there is no news agencies based in Eugine, there is no way to confirm the riots, but it has been said that if there were riots on the streets of Eugine, Oregon, they wouldn't accomplish much more than setting fire to a few covered wagons and upsetting the horses and oxen.

The state would gain a small amount of recognition in the 1960's when a moccasin company called "Nike" (I believe it's pronounced "Knee-Kay") was established to put children to work in factories in poor Asian Pacific nations assembling the moccasins. The concept of a cheaply built shoe made overseas, being sold in the U.S. for a significantly inflated price, unfortunately, never caught on, otherwise this "Nike" company could have really done some good things for under-privileged youth around the world, all while providing comfortable footwear for over-payed athletes. What a shame.

So that's it. The history of Oregon, right there. I hope you enjoyed our time together today. If you can refudiate any of these claims, please contact me via email...bperala at yahoo dot com, or you can leave a comment below.

(if any of these facts are accurate, it's by pure luck, to be honest. I can confirm that I correctly guessed who the president of the USA was in 1876, which I'm pretty impressed with myself about)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Let's Give Back

Let's be serious for a minute, shall we? Have you ever seen how many charities exist out there? There are so many charities in the world today, it's hard to know where to even begin. I had the opportunity a few weeks ago to select a charity out of a list of charities in which I could compete for and earn them money or whatever. The list wasn't even that long. but I had a hard time choosing. I had heard about maybe half of them, and even with some of those, I couldn't tell you what their main mission was. Some are very well known, and pretty much everyone knows what they are setting out to do, but others are lesser known, and I feel bad for them.

Giving to charity is great, and it makes you look great in the public eye, especially if you are a celebrity. If you have a lot of money, you better be giving to something, damn it, or else you'll look like a jackass. And that just goes without saying. Everyone knows that if you have a chunk of change, you better share that chunk. Well, I don't have a chunk. I hope to someday have a chunk of change, but for now, I only have what I need to get by.

The trick, I've found, is figuring out which one to support. Sometimes the choice can be obvious. If you know someone that had breast cancer, you would probably select a charity that raises funds for research for a cure. If you know someone that has like, childhood diabetes or something, you would probably support that. And so on and so on. But what if you don't know anyone with these things? What if you're like me and you don't really have a cause that's near and dear to your heart? I guess you could probably spread the wealth to a bunch of different charities, but even that's hard because if you're gonna give, you probably want to have an impact, and that means giving all of your efforts to one thing, I would assume.

There are so many good causes out there, and I had been thinking about it. I bet if we all chipped in a little here and there to something that is worth it, we could all make an impact, even if it's a small one. I remember having discussions with Slot Attendants at the casino, talking about if everyone they helped and serviced their machines and stuff tipped just a dollar each, how rich they would be. Just a dollar, man. And the cumulative effort would be greater in the long run than just one person tipping five bucks every now and then.

Hell, I have made political contributions before, yet I have never made an donation to a charitable cause, other than maybe the Can-a-thon. I think I should reevaluate this, and try to find something that I can help out with, and I encourage all of you to do the same. Find a cause, and help out. I'm sure it'll make me feel like a better person, and I bet it would do the same for you.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Week Off

I really didn't mean to make the blog be a weekly thing, but that just happened didn't it? Well, I'm happy to say that I'm back and refreshed. Let's go over what lead to my most recent blogging absence.

You know what suck? Teeth. That's right, teeth. Not all teeth, as teeth are pretty nice when you want to chew food. But sometimes, you have to clean them. I didn't understand the importance of this until it was much too late, and I am currently paying for it, both figuratively and literally. You see, when I was a young lad, not to long ago, I liked to drink Faygo. Faygo is a brand of cheap soda pop you drink when you have no money. Well, I liked to drink it anyway, mainly because I was a huge fan of the Insane Clown Posse, and they rapped about it a lot. It was cool to drink a lot of Faygo all the time. What I didn't realize was that I was destroying my teeth slowly but surely. I drank so much sugary soda pop for years, and didn't really stick to a strict regemint of tooth brushing, and therefore, developed cavities. Lots of cavities. Even after I switched to Coke, because it tastes way better, I never really took oral hygene seriously, like many young people in the world.

My dad and my brother both had gone through a lot of dental work in their lives and I had my share as well. I guess bad teeth just runs in the family. Total bummer. So as my teeth continued to decay, they started breaking off, as gross as that sounds. As they broke off, they eventually started getting infected and other gross stuff, and then started to hurt. So I suffered with tooth aches off and on for a while, and eventually decided to get them fixed so I wouldn't suffer anymore.

So that's where I've been. I got five teeth pulled on Friday, September 10th, and it was a trip, let me tell you. My good friend Sean helped me out when I couldn't do anything for myself, and I am forever thankful for that. He drove me places, helped me get the medicine in my mouth, helped me choose the proper pudding flavors to eat. I showed him my thanks with vodka and instant Netflix, which I think he really enjoyed because he stayed at my apartment for four days. So I sat on the couch, stayed low and lazy and didn't blog for a while. All in all the experience has been rather positive, even though I can't really eat much as far as solid food still. That's okay though, I mean, I do it, even though it hurts. They also gave me a prescription of Oxycodone, which I had never experienced before this. If you don't know about this drug, it makes you high and awesome. It makes you happy and tired and dreamy. It makes your arms and legs feel funny. It makes me want to take that all the time. That's not a good thing. Isn't that what Brett Favre got hooked on in the 90's? Well folks, I can see why.

Anyway, I had this fear of the procedure going into it, and after it's all done now, I can say with certainty that there was not really much to be afraid of. I came out of it knowing I won't have to worry about those broken, painful teeth anymore, and I get to get legally high daily. I also got closer to my friend Sean during this time, and that means a lot to me. Friends are neat. I didn't miss any work, which kinda sucks but I need the money, so whatever. I just trip balls at work and get paid for it instead of being just bored and get paid for it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Patiently Waiting

A few months ago, I received a very exciting piece of electronic mail to my Yahoo! account. Finally, after months of ripping off a certain blogger and friend of mine, he had succumbed to my assaults, and sent me an invitation, which read like this:

Would you be interested in being a guest blogger at Big Dave and Company? I am thinking sometime in July after the Fourth. Pretty much anything goes with the exceptions of politics and religion, and anything else obscene. The only real rule is that we don't use last names and we try not to let on where everyone lives, although you make it clear that you live in Nashville so that is okay I guess. Let me know if you are interested and we will get you set up.
- Big Dave

Obviously, I was thrilled to get the chance to display my talents on a bigger stage than this little old blog. As you can see, he mentioned after the Fourth, and he also mentioned the month of July, but he never really said that it would be the 4th of July. More specifically, he never said it would be in 2010, either. This all must be true because I responded and told him I was interested, but he never set me up to do it. Now, I have been silent about it this whole time, and I understand if I went out and said something on this blog that would have made him change his mind, and by blogging about it now, I am kind of sort of cheapening the experience, but it's been on my mind since June, so you can understand my confusion, right?

I had a great idea for a blog post right around the time the email was received, and the material is still relevant. So if I were to get the chance to write as a member of the illustrious company, I would be able to write an entertaining blog post, whenever that happens. If it never happens, I would totally understand, as that is his blog and this is my blog, therefore, I don't need a venue to write. I have one already. If I wanted to write stuff, I can do it right here, like I do all the time anyway. I'm not calling Big Dave out, I'm just stating something I been thinking about for the past three months.

If it never happens, I understand. If it does, look for it. It should be entertaining, I hope.

Additionally, I wrote an essay for the Big Dave and Company essay contest and won it, so I guess he likes my writing. Or I should say, the panel of judges liked my writing. After it was announced, my excitement was slightly crushed by Mike-a-licous when proceeded to bash the name of my blog. WHERE DOES HE GET OFF BASHING MY BLOG'S NAME? He doesn't even write his anymore. He hasn't for a year. See? Well anyway, I guess I could explain the name. Ever listen to the Offspring? Well, I did for years and years, and my favorite song by them is Come Out and Play (Gotta Keep em' Separated) and when I needed a name for the new blog, that just popped in there. I didn't put much thought into it, and now it's stuck.

If you have a better idea for the name of my blog, as it is obviously "lame" or "gay" or whatever derogatory name he chose to call it last week, then I would like to hear your suggestions. I'm open to criticism if it leads to improvement. This means you, Mike-a-licious. You think you can do better? You can't even write your own blog, yet you have the balls to call me out on the name of my blog? You come up with something better, ya sack shaver.

What this whole rambling blog post amounts to is the fact that I like to participate in the Big Dave and Company experience, weather it be his almost-award-winning blog or the podcast, which rules, by the way. You can listen to the podcasts on iTunes or by streaming it from this website. Totally worth your time, I promise. And maybe someday, I too can entertain the masses for real by contributing. Someday.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Wednesday Twofer. Double Post of Doom.

So if you follow me on Twitter, which I'll assume you do, you may have noted that I talking about how yesterday felt like a weird day. It's hard to pinpoint how yesterday was a weird day, because the actual events that took place weren't that weird, it just had a weird feel to it. Like, the sun wasn't out yesterday, and it has been out for weeks, or so it feels. But the main thing I noticed about yesterday is it became very clear to me that a certain era of my life had ended. See, when I work on the weekdays, which I don on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, for the past year I have worked with the same, regular coworker lady. I refer to her as nice, regular everyday coworker lady, but let's call her "Mary" because that's easier to type. Well, yesterday was the first day that she was off at her new job, and I was still at this regular old job we used to share. I realized how much of a partner she was of mine. We had our regular things that we did, and we didn't even have to mention them. We would just go about our day, her doing the things she did and me doing the things I did, which were less than the things she did. It was routine. People, like autistic kids, need routine. Anyway, like I said, yesterday she started her new job elsewhere, and I just had this feeling of being left behind. Like, I was flying solo for the first time. It was weird, because I liked working with Mary, even if she talked a lot. She is what you would call, a "talker." Sometimes it would irritate me, other times it got me through the day. I would also try to get her through things that were going on in her life at the time by dishing some wisdom to her, which I think she appricated. Well, that era has ended now, and it just felt weird.

Also, I saw about 6 or 7 different people with the same pen as me. Totally weird. I like to check what pen people are using and hope they somehow didn't grab my pen, because I like to put my pen in my mouth a lot as a habit. If someone used my pen, I would be grossed out a little. Things just felt off yesterday, and I guess I have to get used to it. Mary is off doing her new thing and getting paid a lot more for it, and I have to live with the reality of what it is, I'm still here. I just have to make do with the new arrangements, and go forward.

***Subject Change***

This is where you get the two-for-one deal today.

I have had a very limited, albeit positive experiences with Craigslist. I met Dave, whom I am in a band with now, through Craigslist. The only experience I have had with it is right there. I was super nervous meeting someone and making friends through Craigslist, but it worked out great! Now I am having those same feelings of being afraid of the internet. I am in the market for new drums, and I have found some on the cheap on Craigslist. I am so afraid of being ripped off, because I know when I go meet the guy who's selling the drums, I won't be able to just say "no, these are not as advertised" and walk away. And if I do do that, will he get pissed and put an axe to the back of my skull? Crazy is crazy, people. I don't trust the internet, or Craigslist for that matter. $200 is a lot of money, but not for drums. I'm going to do this, but that doesn't mean I'm having anxiety about it. I need new drums, and these are a pretty good deal, I think...

That's the other thing. I don't know what these are worth. I really don't. I've read nothing but good reviews on these particular drums, and I know that any other drums than the ones I'm currently playing will be a serious upgrade. I just don't want to be wasteful. Hopefully, I will be pleased by my decision. Hopefully I don't get killed.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Project 365

I'm a big fan of remembering when certain things happen in my life. I love to chronicle things, or archive things, or whatever, so I can look back and easily reminisce. I'm a very reminiscent person. I used to write blogs on LiveJournal, just so I could look back and know what I did on any particular, random day in the past. I used is just to write down what I did that day, so I could look back sometime and say, "hey, what day did I eat a veggie burger? Oh, March 13th, 2005." Why do I need to know this? This is not a rhetorical question. Why do I feel the need?

I may not know the answer, except to know that I love reminisce. Well, along comes the iPhone into my life, and with it, an app called Project 365. The idea of it is to take a picture everyday that will help you remember a certain something about that day. PERFECT! All I have to do is snap a photo, and I will instantly be able to look at that later and know when, what and where things happened. Now I can look back and know that on June 7th, my wife and I ate falafel sandwiches from Kebab Gyro's for dinner. A good day, that was.

Without the app, and without the photo, June 7th, 2010 would have been completely forgotten, forever. I figured out pretty quickly back in 2005 that writing everyday, about everyday, is hard. Anyone that follows my blog will know that I have a hard time writing everyday. Taking a quick pic and saving it to the app is so much simpler, and I feel that my life is better off with it. I love the app, and I'm really glad I have it. Because everyday is not to be wasted, and to forget any day, that is wasted in my opinion. I will have a much better time remembering 2010 with this app than other memories that have faded. As I noted before, I don't remember 2007. Not that I did drugs, cuz I didn't, I just don't remember what happened. I don't remember what I did on a regular day. I don't want that to happen anymore. And it won't, with Project 365.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

From A to Z

I was walking around work and thinking about vowels. Not just how they are held to a higher standard than other regular letters, but how you can pair a vowel with just about any other letter and it will mean something. This got me to run through pairing the letter A with every other letter in the alphabet and see if that is true. This also got me thinking about how great my job is that I can walk around thinking about vowels. But it's true, indeed. Vowels are so versatile. Let me illustrate.

AA - Alcoholics Anonymous
AB - Awesome Bumps (inside joke) or American Bandstand.
AC - Air Conditioning
AD - Anno Domini (as in 1979 A.D.)
AE - A clothing company. I do not buy AE
AF - Air Force
AG - Chemical symbol for Silver
AH - The subtle sound of relief
AI - Artificial Intelligence
AJ - Apple Juice
AK - An assult rifle
AL - I can call you Betty, and baby when you call me you can CALL...ME...AAAAAAAAAAALL
AM - The Morning
AN - The form of an indefinite article used before words that begin with a vowel
AO - The catchy part of a song called Snow by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
AP - Associated Press, or Alternative Press. Or a warning not to step in someones urine.
AQ - ...Well, ok not every letter works in this situation. Fuck, mang.
AR - Well, dudes who go scout bands to sign them are A&R guys, whatever that means...
AS - as in...well, I just used it didn't I? Yeah, as in as.
AT - Where you AT?
AU - The chemical symbol for gold, or you trying to get the attention of someone you don't know
AV - Audio/Visual
AW - Delicious root beer
AX - What you chop stuff with
AY - What you ask when you want to know the reason for stuff
AZ - everything. From A to Z

And that's what we just did, folks. We went from A to Z, and had a laugh in the meantime. Isn't the alphabet fun? We should do this more often...