Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My new haircut

So when trying to name the blog, I tried to come up with a creative name for it today, which technically, I did, because I am trying to reference the hilarious YouTube video of the same name, but all in all it just comes out as if I am going to talk about my new haircut. I might talk about it, but that's not the point. It's also an old video which makes this an aged reference, thus making the reference less funny, but the "chinaman is not the issue" as they say...

Though I believe the politically correct term would be "Asian-American"

Well, after I came to a conclusion that I am possibly the most unhealthy vegetarian on planet earth, I made an effort to do something about it. When we went grocery shopping, I bought an assortment of the usually vegetables one would usually chose at the store, but I really have no intention of using them other than eating them raw or steamed or in some sort of salad. My serious lack of culinary skills tells me that that's the only way I am able to enjoy them. The only thing I see when I see a raw carrot is it's in soup or its raw. I love raw carrots so that's not that big a deal I guess. But I feel like an idiot when the only vegetables I know how to do anything with is carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, and/or other leafy greens. I know that just eating these veggies is not enough to get all the nutrients you need to be a healthy person. I also use the old adage that, I haven't died from not eating these foods this long, what will make me die from it now? There are a lot of vitamins and minerals missing from those foods. The types of things that are in the more obscure foods, and naturally occurring BTW, which is the best way to get them, I guess I'm missing out on them. I don't know what do to with squash. I don't really like it anyway, but I guess you can bake it or steam it. Cucumber? Fuck cucumber. But it's probably really good for you! I should just buy some and eat it.

I just got a message that my answer tone "Heaven" has expired today. I'm not going to get it back, because I don't care, lol.

So basically, I'm making an effort to eat some of the veggies I have neglected in the past year-ish. I am also on a yogurt kick. I go on kicks of things and yogurt is this weeks "kick." The only "kick" that I've gotten started and haven't stopped yet is coffee. I really, really like coffee. The main reason for all the awakening about the veggies and stuff is the fact that I've gained like, 15lbs since moving to Nashville. I swear to god, I lost significant weight and always kept it off when I worked midnights. I got off mids when I moved here, and viola!!!! 15lbs...never fails.

Welp, I don't know what else to tell you today. I go back to work today at 2, and I'm not dreading it. Work is alright.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Questioning my place/Nashville is cool

So sometimes, I wonder what drives me to write a blog anyway. This problem has always plagued me in past attempts to maintain a record of events of my life. I get ideas that I would like to share, but usually I just start writing about things I hope will happen in the near future. I think I do that because I need to put it in writing how I want things to go. It's my retarded way of planing for the future. Perhaps I should be more reflective sometimes. But storytelling is not my strong point because I tend to be long winded and I also seem to run into a case of, "ya had to be there."
But I guess my lack of attempts to do so would indicate that I just am not interested in that sort of thing, for myself at least. Ya see, now that I have begun this way, if I dive into a "story" it will seem forced. I dont know, let's see what comes out and how many times I jump off topic.

So my parents came to town on Friday night. That was cool, and we did a lot of stuff in a mere 4 days. I ate Japanese, Italian, southern and Mexican foods while they were here. Rich parents are good for eating out 5 or 6 times in a 4 day span. Talking about food makes me realize I didn't eat breakfast. The tummy rumbles. But yeah, we went to this place called Goten, its a Japanese hibachi type deal. I drank some Kirin Ichiban and Dean was drinking this unfiltered Sake stuff. He was gettin real drunk at that point. Well we ended up downtown Nashville. I havent been downtown for more than just walking around a few times looking at all the places. Well we ventured into a few establishments down there, one of them being Coyote Ugly. I tell ya, that was a trip. One problem I had with the place was the bathroom setup. it was very open and talkative. This poses a problem for me because of my insanely shy bladder. I attempted and failed to piss in that bathroom 4 times. I was in pain, yet I could not realease!!! I had to leave the place and use the facilities in the much quiter bar upstairs. While I was in there, my mom and wife couldnt find Dean. Turns out, he was back in the bar buying a body shot. I guess he walked out of the place with his shirt over his head and his belt wrapped around it or something crazy. I dont know but he seemed to enjoy it. I would never do something like that. I'm way too shy, but those girls there were pretty hott.

Well we wondered around downtown for a while hitting a few bars, with a stop at Mikes Ice cream shop, where the owner used to be a student in Dean's 7th grade class, or something. That took entirely too long, and it nearly killed all of my buzz. The night ended with Dean dancing to a band playing a cover of "she thinks my tractor's sexy" and repeating things about Sexy Tractors for the rest of the night.

Sunday night, we ate Mexican and went grocery shopping. Boring. But we did play scrabble and I beat my mom in a one on one match after th 4 way battle had ended.

Monday, we golfed in the morning. I didn't keep score, but I felt like I played well. Dean is getting better at golfing, but he still isn't that good. My mom has a swing like Charles Barkley, which is fun to watch. But Dean gave me a tip on my swing that helped me insanely. Now that I remembered this swing tip, I cant wait to go golf again, which I can only hope will be sometime next week, depending on finances. I have 2 and a half holes in my golf glove now though, so I need to do some shopping.

After golf, Dean and I went to Titans training camp and watched them do stuff. that was pretty cool. We were a half an hour late to pick up Bethany then, whoops. We went to Demos' for dinner which has great Italian. After that, we tried to go to the opryland hotel, but it was friggin $18 to park, so we said screw that. We went to the wine and liquer store and bought some shit, came home and played scrabble again, and I won. I actually got rather drunk that night. Felt good.

Tuesday, we ate Monells, which is a Southern food family dinner place where you pass the food around the table. After we left there, by a stroke of luck, we took a wrong turn and ended up at a bar called 3rd and Lindsay. When we walked in, the guy at the door asked us if we were here to see the band, and that there was a cover. We said we would think about it and if we stayed, we would pay. We decided after 2 hours of drinkin, that we would leave if he wouldnt let us stay at this point. Well the cover was $10. We were ready to walk out and go either somewhere else or go home when were smoking outside, and started talking to a guy there. He informed us that we should not leave, and that were about to see the absolute best musician in all of Nashville, and that's a lot of musicians. He told us these guys were all session players and only play out once in a while. Well the main guy's name is Brett Mason, and he is known as "the most recorded person in the history of music." Once we realize that were about to see something pretty amazing, we decided to stay. This band was worth every penny of a $10 cover. It was up there in the best live music I have ever seen. period.

So they left on wednesday afternoon, as I was going to work. overall, a good time was had by all. Sorry this is so fucking long, I really should have done this in a different format. Long story short, Dean liked Nashville so much, he's looking into jobs here, now. But I do feel that if my mom moved here, it would be counter-productive of my development as a human. more on that another time.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Coupole things on my mindd today. #1, I'm at work. I certainly hope this computer stays here on this desk so I can surf away more next weekend. it has helped this morning in getting going and staying unbored. Only trouble, you cannot access social networking sites. Oh and the space bar is like a friggin' typewriter. In other words, it's really loud and clicky. I might have to procure a new one from elsewhere.

K so I got a new keyboard, and this is much better. Though it belongs to my supervisor's computer, and it feels kinda gross, so I'll have to remember to sanatize my hands when I'm done.

The other things on my mind this morning involve, what else, but music? I realized that living in Michigan, specifically, the U.P., I was rather sheltered to any type of "scene." Now that I live in Nashville, I'm pretty sure there's a scene here. Unfortunatly, I have yet to seek that out. This is, as you may know, Music City USA, or so they say. Even if I did find this scene, I feel that it would be better suited for a 16 year old that a 26 year old, but perhaps I'm only thinking of one particular scene, which would be an underground punk scene. I still love punk music in general, and I admire the old grizzled punks that are in their 30's and 40's now that remember when what they were doing was revolutionary, or so it turned out. I wonder if those people look back on the times of rebelry and view them in the same light as when it was happening. I wonder if, through the passage of time, the era has become more glorified. Like, I went to some Witness This shows and stuff back home when I was in high school, and I look back on that now as a point of reference where I felt part of something, musically. But when I really think about it, I was just going to a show that some guys I knew were in. Nothing too special. But I have glorified that time to be something more to me. I wonder if others have done the same thing for similar situations, just in bigger towns. So will I find a scene here in Nashville? I would certainly like to try. Even though I'm sure it will be tilted towards a more "Indie" scene, I'm sure, because of my musical taste "maturity."

In other news, I got my hands on a can of Tab this morning. I haven't tasted Tab in ages, but when I saw one, I was all like, "I should try that again." I was totally shocked to find out that it tasted extremely similar to my beloved Coke Zero. It makes me wonder if they just repackaged Tab in a black can (originally in a white can) and marketed it as "Zero" so they could just boost sales essentally of Tab. It obviously wouldnt sell more Tab, that's an entirely different product, not in taste, obviously, but in packageing and labeling. Dunno, but I was pleasantly suprised.

Also, my mom and Dean are in town. They got in at approximately 10:30 last night. Well I stayed up and chatted with them for about an hour, but it was in my best interest to go to bed because I had to wake up early. I set the alarm for 4:44 a.m. That is exceptionally early, my friends. so that means I got about 5 hours of sleep. It took 3 entire cups of coffee to wake me up this morning, which is alarming because it usually only takes like, one and a half. I know there will be the crash from it eventually, and that is going to suck hard. But the fact that my parents are here should be a nice motivating factor to the rest of my day. I get an additional day off this week and am taking a hit on the paycheck, but spending more time with my parents is more important that money.

So that's what I got today. I'll see you later. Might be a few days, but ya never know...

Monday, August 10, 2009


Sometimes, a song will just hit you. It hits you hard. And you want to tell the whole world about how amazing this song is or an entire album or band in general. And sometimes you want to tell the entire world (everyone you know) about how amazing this music made you feel. The problem is that when you have someone else hears it, they may not get the same feeling you had gotten from it. This frustrates me. Band of Horses is a band I feel everyone should listen to because they are so good, even though it's really pretty simple music.

that is all.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Don't wanna blow it all, but...

So I got paid today. This usually means I go all crazy with my money, buying things and stuff. Well I told myself this morning that I think I would really appreciate it eventually if I didn't spend like, half of my money in one day, and save some for later, so when it builds up, I am totally loaded. Well then I start to hatch ways to blow all my money. For instance, today I got all existential and started thinking about how we, as humans, are not the center of the universe and that other life forms probably exist, but we are on this tiny little earth. I feel that the complexity of our being has got to be extremely fragile, and that everything is connected one way or another. The universe is bigger than our minds can even begin to fathom. So the fact that I got paid today seems pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things, as well as things like how well my coffee tastes and how hot it's going to get today. It's all just the tiniest blip on the radar in the "space-time continuum" or whatever.

So that got me thinking about this book that was brought to my attention last year called "Pale Blue Dot" which basically talks about exactly what I was thinking this morning. Then I started thinking about the other books I have been meaning to buy. So I went to Amazon and checked them out. Overall, the price for 3 books was only $32 even after shipping, but then I was thinking about how I didn't want to spend a shit-ton of money right away...But I'm all excited about these books and I want them. So instead of ordering them online, I think I'll take a shower and head to the bookstore and buy them, to save on the shipping. Plus, once I get there, I doubt I'll buy all three, sighting the cost, and stuff. I just remember getting paid last week and going to the record store and blowing $40, and how I realized later that that was a good chunk of money. Even though I don't regret the purchases, I still wish I had that money. This is also a factor in why I don't want to buy a bunch of books because I would like to be able to justify buying a CD or two in the near future. I don't know what I would buy though, therefore I have settled, I will take this shower, head to Books-a-Million, (the closes book store I know of) and buy one, two or all three of these books.

I also begin to think about how I already haven't read all of the latest AP, and I read the newspaper every morning, when the hell am I going to find time to read three books? This quandary doesn't bother me that much, cuz I know I'll find time. Plus, I miss books.

Yes, I am off to the store now. Be safe, be lawful, and I'll talk to you later.

-The guy who wrote this

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

a quickie??

So somehow, it's already 12:35, so I must go quick. I ate a lot of Vegetables this morning which always makes me feel better about myself. How can a vegetarian eat so little actual vegetables? I need to make a concise effort to include more fresh veggies into my diet. I just remembered making a comment to myself this morning while making breakfast that "This would be totally vegan if I didn't add the cheese. Yeah, I say this while pouring the veggies over EGGS! Oh well, I would like to go totally vegan and organic, but it's seriously impossible when your wife can't really eat soy and you enjoy cheese and eggs so damn much. I always say, if I were vegan, what would I eat? Wouldn't that be a good thing considering I'm fat? Maybe I would eat less?

I also told Bethany I would fix the TV today. I should really hurry up to do that because I need to get ready for work at some point. I can not bathe today, which is prolly gonna be really gross by 10 p.m. tonight. I'll wash my hair in the sink, which seriously cuts down my work preparation time, so I am worrying less about that now. I'll bring a box of food to work, cuz I'm to lazy to make Mac n' Cheese. I don't know, maybe I'll suck it up and cook that. I should eat something before I go to work anyway.

The thought of going to a Tennessee Titans game has finally entered my brain in a serious way. But the thought of buying a new TV makes me much more excited. I priced them out on Walmart and Target's websites, but I realized that I really don't care about how awesome the TV is. It's better than what were currently rolling with. I went to Best Buy the other day, and as I talked to the salesman, I realized that there is a lot more to think about when buying a new TV, and quite frankly, I don't want to think about those thoughts. I really don't care. If it's an LCD TV, 32 inches or bigger, that's all I care about. I will feel like a dumb ass when I walk into the place and tell them that I don't even have a satellite or even cable. Does this seem like buying overkill? Usually people that go out and drop hundreds of dollars on a new TV have channels they intend to view on said TV. Now the fact that I don't currently have cable or satellite does not indicate that I will never have these things. I want to spend $400 so I don't have to get up and "fix" the TV every 5 seconds while watching a movie or playing a video game. Plus my TV is an old ass CRT from 1999. I got it the same Christmas as my Dreamcast for Christ sake...lol no pun intended.

So I will now go fuck with the TV. Until next time, ta ta

(is that my new sign off? gawd i hope not)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Hangover

So apprently I drank way more than I origanally thought on Sunday night. I spent all day yesterday with a killer hangover, which I figured would go away by the afternoon. I wrote yesterdays blog with a headache and feeling a bit ill. Well, the damn headache never went away, even into the night. I woke up today with a headache still. Maybe it's a tumor? Maybe it's an anyerisim? Maybe I shouldnt drink so much whiskey? I'll go with the 3rd option. I think I'm just massivly dehydrated. But drinking a bunch of water just seems so unappealing. I never have to take 4 doses of asprin in a day and a half span. I never get headaches. So needless to say, I'm being a bit of a baby about the whole thing. Alright, alright, I'm going to get the bottle of water to chug...

Fingers crossed.

So today, I head back to work for a 2-10 shift. I actually don't care at all that I have to go back. I know i'll be working with Derrick, which is a good/bad situation. I like the guy, but I deffinetly do not want to get too close to him simply because I don't think he is someone I should totally trust. I know me, and eventually I'll be the nice guy and offer him something that he will ultimately take advantage of. He seems to be the type of guy that latches onto others that will help him in the general advancment of himself. He's definetly not the smartest man I've ever met. He seems well intentioned, most of the time, but he also seems to not care really who gets screwed over for his own benefit. i.e. me.


I was thinking the other day that my addiction to buying music has perhaps hit a bit of a wall. I've basically procured everything I had an interest in up to this point. That's when I'm sitting here, writing a blog, and I remember walking into Grimeys and hearing the most mind-bending awsome music I've heard in quite some time. Apparently, the band was called Lightning Bolt, and I've had intentions to look up this band and find out what they are all about. The music was really technical and awesome. I want to know more about them, so after I hit "post" I'm heading out onto the interwebz to figure out where they came from, what era, how many members, how many albums, what other bands are associated, etc.

I expect the maintenance guy to come to the apartment at some point today, which is always an interesting position. I am always leary of letting anyone into my house, especially if I dont know them. It's such an uncomfortalbe feeling to have an unknown visitor in you house. You just kind of feel vulnerable. It feels like you dont know what to do in your own home. So he's got to fix a few things around here, and that's cool and all, but I'd really rather no one came here, personally.

Here's some random thoughts...

  • Is "I gotta feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas a good song? I can't tell, but my instincts say yes.
  • It was nice to talk to Brian Chapman and Jesse Smith the last couple days.
  • I want to upload the pics from Titans camp, but I havent even looked at them, and I doubt they're worth it
  • I did not shower yesterday, even though I went in the pool and that's gross
  • I have used one tank of gas in 11 days. Unheard of!
  • I was home all day yesterday, and never turned on Animal Crossing. Rare!
  • These are all tweet worthy, btw. I guess these are rejected tweets...
  • Wish I had internet in the house, so I could surf from the comfort of my couch/dining room table
  • I get paid on Friday, and I'm trying really hard not to "prespend" the whole thing this time.
Ok well that is all from Nashville...Untill next time, tata.

Monday, August 3, 2009

I don't know what I want.

I titled the blog before I wrote it, because I wasn't sure what was going to come out. I don't know what I want to write about. Today is a Monday, which is usually a day people tend to hate. Not me, at least, not anymore. I have no reason to hate Mondays. I am off on Mondays, so therefore I kinda love Mondays. I guess if anything, I would hate Tuesdays, simply because of work. But i really don't have any reason to hate any day I work because my job is such a cake walk anyway. Just show up, try not to get too bored. It is the ideal gig for me. Like I told Brian on the phone last night, it's exactly what I used to do as a tech, but when I do nothing for an entire 8 hour shift, that's OK. In fact, that's what I'm supposed to do! All I have to do is hope that nothing out of the ordinary happens while there. Thus far, it has been smooth. I really, really hope it stays that way.

So I try to read the Tennessean every morning. This morning I actually accomplished more of that task than usual actually, probably due to the fact that Monday's paper usually is much thinner and less daunting than other days. But today seemed exceptionally thin on news stories. I read the stories on the main page, which continued to the back pages, and when those were finished, i realized that there were no short middle stories withing the other pages. They were all just continuations of front page stories. My favorite part of the paper has become the Opinion section. Don't know why I never fell in love with the opinion section in the Mining Journal, but I just think there are so many people down here that i have conflicting views with that it just makes them funny as hell to read. I realized this morning that I can place any letter to the editor into three different categories. There is the nice person who wants to thank someone for recognizing something they believe in. There's the pissed off republican who actually seems relatively well informed and well intentioned, but comes across as a crazy southerner who won't let his beliefs and way of life be compromised by people he believes are after him, just making him out to be a paranoid sore loser. And then theres the condescending asshole. This term is copywritten by Bethany Perala actually, so props to her for that. The condescending asshole is the guy who is basically saying "well done, asshole." This individual usually is on the borderline of being the pissed off republican, but he's just more fed up with stuff and knows theres no way he can get what he wants if he is a pissed off republican, because he knows how that really looks, as I indicated above. He also seems more in disbelief of what he sees going on around him, as if he was also surprised when his son or daughter all of a sudden grows up and gets a job, moves out, starts a family, and wonders what the hell happened. I wish I could provide examples, but it's not that i tried to find examples and had a hurdle in providing them, it's just that I'm too lazy to seek them out. I don't know if they're available on their website or whatever, but if so, seek them out and read some. I don't get excited about shit for nothing.

I drank Makers Mark last night, as well as some PBR Light. The only person i could have been a drunk asshole to was my wife and I don't know if i came across as that way, but it certainly feels that way this morning. I hate myself when I'm drunk because I don't know how to control myself. This is a problem dating back to the first time I ever even drank. Hate it hate it hate it. Wish I could change it, but don't know how. I got an idea, FUCK IT.

**takes break to check phone for Twitter updates.** **Circa Survive signed to Atlantic**

How come everyone seems to know who Circa Survive is. I have no fucking clue who they are. One thing i do know, is that that italic part was a total accident. I just thought of a great band name!!! Itallica. That's fucking great. This part at the end got useless didn't it?

until tomorrow or something, piece out!!!