Friday, August 7, 2009

Don't wanna blow it all, but...

So I got paid today. This usually means I go all crazy with my money, buying things and stuff. Well I told myself this morning that I think I would really appreciate it eventually if I didn't spend like, half of my money in one day, and save some for later, so when it builds up, I am totally loaded. Well then I start to hatch ways to blow all my money. For instance, today I got all existential and started thinking about how we, as humans, are not the center of the universe and that other life forms probably exist, but we are on this tiny little earth. I feel that the complexity of our being has got to be extremely fragile, and that everything is connected one way or another. The universe is bigger than our minds can even begin to fathom. So the fact that I got paid today seems pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things, as well as things like how well my coffee tastes and how hot it's going to get today. It's all just the tiniest blip on the radar in the "space-time continuum" or whatever.

So that got me thinking about this book that was brought to my attention last year called "Pale Blue Dot" which basically talks about exactly what I was thinking this morning. Then I started thinking about the other books I have been meaning to buy. So I went to Amazon and checked them out. Overall, the price for 3 books was only $32 even after shipping, but then I was thinking about how I didn't want to spend a shit-ton of money right away...But I'm all excited about these books and I want them. So instead of ordering them online, I think I'll take a shower and head to the bookstore and buy them, to save on the shipping. Plus, once I get there, I doubt I'll buy all three, sighting the cost, and stuff. I just remember getting paid last week and going to the record store and blowing $40, and how I realized later that that was a good chunk of money. Even though I don't regret the purchases, I still wish I had that money. This is also a factor in why I don't want to buy a bunch of books because I would like to be able to justify buying a CD or two in the near future. I don't know what I would buy though, therefore I have settled, I will take this shower, head to Books-a-Million, (the closes book store I know of) and buy one, two or all three of these books.

I also begin to think about how I already haven't read all of the latest AP, and I read the newspaper every morning, when the hell am I going to find time to read three books? This quandary doesn't bother me that much, cuz I know I'll find time. Plus, I miss books.

Yes, I am off to the store now. Be safe, be lawful, and I'll talk to you later.

-The guy who wrote this

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