Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Hangover

So apprently I drank way more than I origanally thought on Sunday night. I spent all day yesterday with a killer hangover, which I figured would go away by the afternoon. I wrote yesterdays blog with a headache and feeling a bit ill. Well, the damn headache never went away, even into the night. I woke up today with a headache still. Maybe it's a tumor? Maybe it's an anyerisim? Maybe I shouldnt drink so much whiskey? I'll go with the 3rd option. I think I'm just massivly dehydrated. But drinking a bunch of water just seems so unappealing. I never have to take 4 doses of asprin in a day and a half span. I never get headaches. So needless to say, I'm being a bit of a baby about the whole thing. Alright, alright, I'm going to get the bottle of water to chug...

Fingers crossed.

So today, I head back to work for a 2-10 shift. I actually don't care at all that I have to go back. I know i'll be working with Derrick, which is a good/bad situation. I like the guy, but I deffinetly do not want to get too close to him simply because I don't think he is someone I should totally trust. I know me, and eventually I'll be the nice guy and offer him something that he will ultimately take advantage of. He seems to be the type of guy that latches onto others that will help him in the general advancment of himself. He's definetly not the smartest man I've ever met. He seems well intentioned, most of the time, but he also seems to not care really who gets screwed over for his own benefit. i.e. me.


I was thinking the other day that my addiction to buying music has perhaps hit a bit of a wall. I've basically procured everything I had an interest in up to this point. That's when I'm sitting here, writing a blog, and I remember walking into Grimeys and hearing the most mind-bending awsome music I've heard in quite some time. Apparently, the band was called Lightning Bolt, and I've had intentions to look up this band and find out what they are all about. The music was really technical and awesome. I want to know more about them, so after I hit "post" I'm heading out onto the interwebz to figure out where they came from, what era, how many members, how many albums, what other bands are associated, etc.

I expect the maintenance guy to come to the apartment at some point today, which is always an interesting position. I am always leary of letting anyone into my house, especially if I dont know them. It's such an uncomfortalbe feeling to have an unknown visitor in you house. You just kind of feel vulnerable. It feels like you dont know what to do in your own home. So he's got to fix a few things around here, and that's cool and all, but I'd really rather no one came here, personally.

Here's some random thoughts...

  • Is "I gotta feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas a good song? I can't tell, but my instincts say yes.
  • It was nice to talk to Brian Chapman and Jesse Smith the last couple days.
  • I want to upload the pics from Titans camp, but I havent even looked at them, and I doubt they're worth it
  • I did not shower yesterday, even though I went in the pool and that's gross
  • I have used one tank of gas in 11 days. Unheard of!
  • I was home all day yesterday, and never turned on Animal Crossing. Rare!
  • These are all tweet worthy, btw. I guess these are rejected tweets...
  • Wish I had internet in the house, so I could surf from the comfort of my couch/dining room table
  • I get paid on Friday, and I'm trying really hard not to "prespend" the whole thing this time.
Ok well that is all from Nashville...Untill next time, tata.

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