Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Animal Inside (My Apartment)

You know what's awesome? Cats. Cats are cool, man. They're cool cats. I like cats because they're independent. Cats can be left for the weekend and not really need anything except a litter box, food and water. Cats will sleep next to you, kneed you, and meow at you. Cats will play like kittens. Cats are cute.

There are three things in the world that some consider to be very cute. Puppies, babies, and kittens. Nothing is more cute than kittens. They look kinda sad and are not afraid to use their kitten voices to meow at you. They're fuzzy, but have sharp claws, so watch out. We love kittens because they are kind of dumb, and you can mess with them and they do stuff to make you laugh. Puppies are cute, but they shit everywhere. Babies? Same problem. Kittens might shit too, but you don't care because they're so damn cute! Awwww Kitties!!!!!

I often make the same mistake as most people when a cat comes over to you, rubbing it's head on you and stuff. You think they're loving you and showing it. Everyone likes to be shown affection by something or someone. Let's face it. But if you have ever read or watched anything on cats, they'll tell you that this action by the cat is showing ownership. It's kind of sad to think because you want the cat to love you, because you love it, and it's walking over to you, rubbing all up on you, acting like it's being affectionate. But deep down you know the truth, that it's just saying "I own you, you are mine." But I like to suspend disbelief and just assume the cat is showing me how much he loves me. Plus, this is a rare occurrence for me because my cat doesn't like me as much as he likes Bethany. So when the cat comes to me, standing on my stomach while I'm trying fall asleep, and he is purring and meowing, rubbing on my hand, I would just like to assume that he is saying, "Thanks for feeding me and cleaning my box. You are nice and I like you."

He isn't. But he doesn't speak English so I'll just pretend he is saying that.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, cat's are selfish, evil creatures. My sister had one that would purr as you were petting it and then would turn and bite you WHILE IT WAS STILL PURRING! Bastard.
