Sunday, April 11, 2010


I've received an interesting business offer recently. I was receiving heavy pressure from a certain 15 year old to change some things around these parts. I received a very lucrative offer to move this blog. An offer to move from Blogger to Tumblr.

Ditch Blogger? Haven't I just gotten good at maintaining this for the first time ever? Why would I change it right now? That just seems absurd. But...I don't know. And when I say lucrative, I mean she said "You should sign up for a Tumblr." Tumblr seems entertaining enough, and I know how to maintain a blog now, so you would think it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Plus, I've been pounding away at these keys on blogger and gaining "no traction" for a few months now, and I know that with a connection to a well-liked Tumblr, that could help get my message out there. That message, by the way, is utter nonsense. I need to spread utter nonsense all over the place. Utter nonsense also sounds like unpasteurized milk, don't you think?

But seriously. If I moved to Tumblr, would I enjoy it? I mean, for real, I enjoy just writing stuff down. The site on which I do it shouldn't matter, because this ain't no goddamn social networking.

On a completely different side note, I don't know if it's my word selection this morning, but I have never seen so many red squiggly lines in my life. It's a rough morning, to say the least.

So if I decide to make the jump, I will make sure you readers are the first to know. I already made two leaps to make it to Blogger, so might as well make it a triple jump? First from Livejournal, to Myspace blogs, to here. We shall see. As of right now, I'm not going anywhere. But if enough convincing is done, I just might.

1 comment:

  1. Fuck that - deadjournal is where everyone is jumping. It's on the upswing.
