Saturday, August 14, 2010

Football is Back!

So this morning, I'm streaming the season opener of the Barclays English Premier League which features a match between Tottenham Hotspur and Manchester City. I'm able to stream it via It's a very nice site to watch sports from, depending on what they carry, which is usually something like Soccer or Tennis or Little League World Series or Darts or Aussie Football...So basically your non-traditional sports. It's sweet cuz it's free. Anyhow, I'm trying to enjoy soccer, and it's hard, folks. Number one, I have no vested interest in any particular club, so I just have to watch everyone and kinda pay attention. The only team I claim to root for at any level of soccer is Arsenal, only because I used to work with an Englishman and that was his club. So I root for them, even though I don't even really know why, or anything about them. I just know that soccer creates a buzz 'round the world, and I want to be a part of it.

I got caught up in the whole thing this past summer during the World Cup, as I do every 4 years. I usually say I want to keep up with the sport, but never do. I want this year to be different, and I have ESPN3 to help with that. I'll be able to easily watch games when they're played, so that should help. The only problem is I just don't know what the fuck is going on most of the time. As I tweeted before while watching Rugby or Aussie rules football, I don't remember which one it was, when watching one of these "non-traditional" "non-American" sports, I now know what women feel like when watching regular American sports. I see people running, and trying to score, but I don't understand strategy. So I like the enthusiasm, but I couldn't tell you why they are doing what they are doing. It helps me understand what they are thinking while watching. I want to understand soccer, I like it. I like how excited the fans are at the games. I just don't understand it at this point.

So I'm trying to be a soccer fan, and I hope I do really stick with the sport, because of it's global significance. I just think it's alright by me. Go Arsenal, for what it's worth, I guess.

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