I wonder if a Dyson vacuum is really as great as you think it would be? I mean, it costs like, $400. It must be a pretty great vacuum. We have a shitty vacuum at home. It's a Bissel, and the only Bissel's I had ever seen were like, wet-vacs, or whatever. But we took some money we got, weather it was bridal shower money or wedding money or whatever it was, and bought a new vacuum back in either late 2008 or early 2009 to replace our aging, hand-me-down Oreck.
At first, I was amazed at how much shit this new vacuum could suck up. I was thrilled at our purchase. I though "there aint' no better vacuum in this land." Two years later, I can't wait to invest in a new one. You see, this particular vacuum has a series of filters and containers and other things as well, that just get clogged up with dog hair, and this weird powder shit that's in our floor of or apartment. It's like, drywall or something, that just gets clogged up in droves every time I vacuum. It pisses me off, and makes me think there has to be a better way. I mean, after about five vacuum jobs, the filters and what-nots have to be rinsed and completely dried before I can vacuum again. What a fucking headache. I thought getting rid of a vacuum that used bags to collect the shit was a great idea, but turns out, it's totally not. Our vacuum sucks, and I want a new one.
This brings me back to the Dyson. They have the commercials with the British buy talking about how his vacuum "Never loses suction. Evaa." I'm like, "really? Do want."
$400 for a vacuum? Is it that important? Do you know how many hockey tickets I could buy with that money? (By the way, that's my new standard of assessing finances and if things are a waste of money, to compare them to hockey tickets. Because let's face it, I'd rather go to a hockey game) That's like, three months worth of car insurance. That's like, an entire paycheck when I first started working at the casino (not really). Perhaps their advertising has worked on me, but when I walk past the vacuum isle at the store, I notice the Dyson. I want the Dyson. I need the Dyson. Because there has to be a better way to vacuum than our shitty Bissel.

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