Yep, that simple. No big moment or anything, no pomp and circumstance. Just gonna do it. Gonna get me some loans and perhaps some government grants and go get me an education so someone will hire me to do work and pay me handsomely. My main motivation? The Nashville Predators.
Some out there would say "Shouldn't your main motivation be to provide for your family and your (soon to be born) daughter?" To them, I would say "OBVIOUSLY, dill weed." I mean yeah, that's what I need to do, but I can sort of do that now anyway. It's not like I'm a bum on the street or anything.
Maybe I drank too much coffee and started thinking too quickly or something, but I just feel like right now, this moment, is the time. Why the hell not? My lovely wife works at a higher learning institution, and I can go there for a reduced rate or something, and I'll have to look into that as an option. If not, there are other options I can explore for sure. I just feel like I should go to more hockey games and I need more money to do that. So what I'll get a degree in, I don't know just yet, but it'll have to be something I find remotely interesting, I suppose. I'll figure out the logistics of it soon enough. But something has to change, I think. Yup, I'm gonna make something out of myself. I just hit that "That's it" moment. I'm putting this down here to make it official. There's no backing down now.
So in the board game Life, you have to choose to go to college right away, and if you don't do it at the beginning, you don't get to go back and do that part over again. But I think somewhere in the game you can land on a spot where you can get a degree and draw a new career and also draw a new salary. So I think on my last spin here in the game of Real Life, I just landed on that spot. Not to mention that I landed on that baby girl spot on the board as well, and will soon add a little pink person to my game piece. That was always my favorite part of the game of Life, anyway.
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