Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Day to Remember

Sometimes, you know in advance when you are about to have a day you will never forget. Sometimes, things just happen in a day that make you remember that day forever. Today, I think, will be one of those days I will never forget. We have tickets to the Predators v.s. Panthers game tonight, and I'm super stoked!!! I've never seen an NHL game live before. I'm real excited to get see one. This will most likely mark the second Saturday in a months time that a day will occur that I will never forget. The Gay Blades show was definitely a day I will never forget. That was a planned unforgettable day, as is today. I already know then when I get off of work, we're gonna have a great day all the way to the end. Did I mention that Caleb and Megan are in town? They came for Thanksgiving (weekend) and it's been real nice to have them around. Unfortunately, I couldn't get time off from work, but these things happen. The span of working while they are here is a mere 24 hours (working 16 out of 24) so when I get off today at 2, I'll be free to do whatever with my friends! Can't wait!

I'm currently streaming an album released in 1999, by a band called American Football. The record is 10 years old and if someone told me it was released last month, I wouldn't doubt them, and I would probably say it has a good indie/chill/90's guitar feel to it. I dig it, but it kinda meanders a bit. Music is fun!

That is all today. I don't wanna write things anymore today.

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