Thursday, August 15, 2013


As a vegetarian, you'd think I'd be all into vegetarian food.  It's not that I'm not into it, it's just that some of it isn't good.  What I'm trying to say here is that I don't like quinoa.  I think it's pretty nasty.  But it's like, the quintessential (thanks, spell check) vegetarian and vegan food.  Aren't I supposed to live off this stuff?

I don't know what it is but it just tastes bad.  That's all.  I'm making some this morning, but it's for my wife because they say it's good for lactating mothers, that it helps them produce more milk.  Well that's just fine, enjoy.  But for me, I don't know, man, I really have to load something on it to make it edible.  Like Sriracha sauce, perhaps?  My wife puts cinnamon and sugar on hers.  It's pretty good, but there's still that weird quinoa taste that comes through.  Not for me, but I'll choke it down because it's good for me.  I'm dedicated to eating good  Also, I need a shave real bad. 


  1. I think it has a rancid oil taste. You're not alone.

  2. I'll cook it, then put it on the stove with tomatoes and spinach... ends up being really tasty. But yeah, on it's own... blah.
