Thursday, August 8, 2013

Working Out is the Worst

I've come here today as a self-motivation technique.  I just had a great psych-up speech in my head about why I need to work out and not phone it in today.  Number one, my two options of what to do now that the kids are down for their naps is work out, or take a nap.  I never take naps, but I didn't get to sleep too great last night and a nap sounds fantastic.  I would like to work out here in my living room because I don't want to feel like a sack of shit later on today.  If I take a nap, I probably will sleep until the kids wake up and it will be difficult to take a shower in that scenario.  If I work out, I'll take a shower right after, so that will be done with. So workout it is, I suppose...

I don't feel like telling people about me doing exercise, or any type of physical activity because I feel like when the only thing someone talks about is their fitness, they are douche canoes.  I'm proud of myself for getting off the couch and doing my workouts again because if I want to see a change in my body, I have to work for it.  If I hate the fat guy in the pictures of my kids, I have to make that go away myself, the hard way.  I'm jealous of everyone that works out hard and enjoys working out and being fit.  I don't have that drive, mostly because I don't see instant results.  I know that if I stick to it, the results will show up, but god, it's a lot of work and patience, which is hard because I'm naturally a lazy person.  I just feel like the hill is so hard to climb, it's so far to go, I should just give up right now and stop struggling.

It's day four.  The fourth day of being on the road to fitness.  When you see people that are in shape and clearly work out and take care of themselves, they've been at that way for ages.  On day four, when I step on the scale in the morning and see it has gone up a pound every day this week, I've tried to convince myself that I'm just adding muscle, but I don't really believe that.  I believe that I'm just making my muscles sore for no reason and I'll always be a chubby kid.  I'm going to work out now, but I don't really want to.  It's not going to change the way I feel in the morning.  It's not going to change anything this week.  I guess if I keep pounding my head against this wall, maybe one day it'll break through, but I feel that I'll just end up with a headache.  

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