Saturday, August 15, 2009


Coupole things on my mindd today. #1, I'm at work. I certainly hope this computer stays here on this desk so I can surf away more next weekend. it has helped this morning in getting going and staying unbored. Only trouble, you cannot access social networking sites. Oh and the space bar is like a friggin' typewriter. In other words, it's really loud and clicky. I might have to procure a new one from elsewhere.

K so I got a new keyboard, and this is much better. Though it belongs to my supervisor's computer, and it feels kinda gross, so I'll have to remember to sanatize my hands when I'm done.

The other things on my mind this morning involve, what else, but music? I realized that living in Michigan, specifically, the U.P., I was rather sheltered to any type of "scene." Now that I live in Nashville, I'm pretty sure there's a scene here. Unfortunatly, I have yet to seek that out. This is, as you may know, Music City USA, or so they say. Even if I did find this scene, I feel that it would be better suited for a 16 year old that a 26 year old, but perhaps I'm only thinking of one particular scene, which would be an underground punk scene. I still love punk music in general, and I admire the old grizzled punks that are in their 30's and 40's now that remember when what they were doing was revolutionary, or so it turned out. I wonder if those people look back on the times of rebelry and view them in the same light as when it was happening. I wonder if, through the passage of time, the era has become more glorified. Like, I went to some Witness This shows and stuff back home when I was in high school, and I look back on that now as a point of reference where I felt part of something, musically. But when I really think about it, I was just going to a show that some guys I knew were in. Nothing too special. But I have glorified that time to be something more to me. I wonder if others have done the same thing for similar situations, just in bigger towns. So will I find a scene here in Nashville? I would certainly like to try. Even though I'm sure it will be tilted towards a more "Indie" scene, I'm sure, because of my musical taste "maturity."

In other news, I got my hands on a can of Tab this morning. I haven't tasted Tab in ages, but when I saw one, I was all like, "I should try that again." I was totally shocked to find out that it tasted extremely similar to my beloved Coke Zero. It makes me wonder if they just repackaged Tab in a black can (originally in a white can) and marketed it as "Zero" so they could just boost sales essentally of Tab. It obviously wouldnt sell more Tab, that's an entirely different product, not in taste, obviously, but in packageing and labeling. Dunno, but I was pleasantly suprised.

Also, my mom and Dean are in town. They got in at approximately 10:30 last night. Well I stayed up and chatted with them for about an hour, but it was in my best interest to go to bed because I had to wake up early. I set the alarm for 4:44 a.m. That is exceptionally early, my friends. so that means I got about 5 hours of sleep. It took 3 entire cups of coffee to wake me up this morning, which is alarming because it usually only takes like, one and a half. I know there will be the crash from it eventually, and that is going to suck hard. But the fact that my parents are here should be a nice motivating factor to the rest of my day. I get an additional day off this week and am taking a hit on the paycheck, but spending more time with my parents is more important that money.

So that's what I got today. I'll see you later. Might be a few days, but ya never know...

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