Friday, February 4, 2011

I'd Like To Have A Word With You

I love the game of Scrabble. I really do. I didn't before, because words are hard sometimes. You have to get your friends or family together to play, and sometimes, that's not that easy. Well, thanks to modern technology, you can play "Scrabble" with your friends while being miles and miles away from each other.

I'm talking about Words with Friends. It's an iPhone (or iPod Touch) game that allows you to play "Scrabble" with anyone that wants to play with you. I'm currently in games with people in Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. Some of the people I'm playing against I know and are real friends, and some I have never met. I first got the game because a guy that works here saw that I have an iPhone and asked if I played. I said no, but I'll download the free app. We played some games, and then I got my brother and wife in on the action. Soon enough, I was playing against all kinds of people, from Pard, to a guy in Florida named Brandon I never met, but is a friend of a friend.

On Thanksgiving, the music editor of Alternative Press Magazine asked if anyone out there played Words With Friends, and if they would like to play him. So, I started a game, and now I play him regularly! That's pretty fuckin' neat-o if you ask me. I was on one of my favorite sites the other day On The Forecheck, and I was in one of the message boards when someone begged the question if anyone played. I responded, and now I'm playing against some dude here in Tennessee, who's handle on OTF is LuvthePreds.

So, now I'm playing like, six different games of Words with all sorts of people, and I love it. If you have an iPhone (LIKE ONE OF MY REGULAR READERS) and still don't play, I suggest you do. It's a lot of fun. Just play a word whenever you feel like it. Some games I have played have lasted a month or longer! It's something to do while fiddling with your phone, which if you're like me, you do often. It's just another way to stay connected with your friends. Words with Friends. The best app on my iPhone.

my username is bPerala. start one up, if you'd like. You'll probably beat me.

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