Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cicada Invasion = Dog Snack

Well, the cicadas are officially here.  For those people that aren't here in Middle Tennessee, you may not have heard that the 13 year cicadas have come out this year, and boy are they loud.  There is no missing it.  I thought we might dodge a bullet because we live right in the city here, but I was wrong.  According to my dog, I was deliciously wrong.

I had heard that dogs like to eat cicadas.  I figured my dog was smarter than that.  He doesn't care about bugs in general.  I mean, my dog likes to eat grass and food scraps and paper products and pretty much everything else that's littered around the apartment complex.  This is why I call him the Goat Dog.  He'll eat anything, just like a goat.  Well, to my surprise, I was walking him on Sunday, right when the Cicadas were flying around in their most abundance I had seen yet this year.  One cicada was laying on the sidewalk, and my dog took an interest in it.  He started pawing it, and then trying to eat it.  I was amazed.  My dog always ignores dumb bugs all over the place.  Not this time.  The people who warned that dogs can go crazy eating cicadas were absolutely correct.  Soon, my dog didn't want to go outside to pee or poo, he wants to eat cicadas.  In fact, as I'm typing this, he's asking to go out.  He wants a snack.

So the cicadas are swarming the area, and it's pretty annoying.  They're completely harmless, they don't bite, they don't sting, they don't do anything except sing. (hey that rhymed.)  And according to the experts, you can eat them.  They're safe for consumption.  They're nontoxic to dogs as well, so when Bowser chows down on them he's really not doing any harm to himself.  The only thing that can happen is dogs can eat so many of them that they make themselves sick and throw up.  I won't let my dog eat that many, but I'll let him eat a few bugs.  Not gonna hurt him, so might as well let him enjoy himself.

So I'm going to throw some earplugs and get the dog a cicada snack now.  

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