Sunday, May 22, 2011

Foreign Oil Dependence

As you can clearly see, America is way to dependent on foreign olive oil.

Yes, I totally stole this form someone else.  That's why I'm not talking about it in too much detail.  I found this great concept on another blog and I wanted to pass along the joke.  To be honest though, if you read on the rest of the blog on which I found this, I'm not even certain this is meant to be a joke. I could be wrong, but none of the posts on the blog on which I found this were funny...But this is funny because it's ironic, right?  I think it's funny.  

Anyway, I got it from HERE, so you can see it in all it's glory if you'd like. Also, read the comments for perhaps the dullest commenting I've ever read in my life.  Perhaps this whole thing is misconstrued... 


  1. I take offense at you thinking the comments are boring (but you need pretty good appreciation of microeconomics to get a lot of the jokes).
