Saturday, May 7, 2011

Drink More Water

Okay, so even though my little one at home is the most important thing in my life, and that's all I really want to talk about sometimes, I'm not going to do that.  No, I think that that would be alright, I guess, if I wanted to do that.  But I want to shake it up still.  This is not a single-subject blog.  So, expect the occasional Posts About Babies, but I'd say they will be about as frequent as they were when she was in the womb.

That being said, I want to talk about water, and more specifically, your recommended daily intake of water.  As I grew up, I learned the importance of getting that eight glasses of water every day for essential well-being, or whatever.  I heard that stat over and over, and somewhere along the line I decided that I should probably follow that guideline.  After all, they don't pound that sort of information into your brain for their health. It's for your health, ya turkey.

I recall my brother going on a diet where he cut out soda pop and some fast food, and started pounding bottles of water.  He lost a good amount of weight just by doing that.  Well, I started pounding that water like my brother did, but never got the dramatic results he achieved, although I did notice a marked increase in energy level and all that jazz.  I fall in and out of love with water drinking, mainly because water is sort of, well, boring.  Drinking water, while good for you, doesn't always satisify the pallet quite like a delicious coke (or diet coke, or whatever drink you choose for that matter.)  I think it's because I was brought up drinking flavor instead of water that I get bored with water.  But as an adult I know better than to just drink for pleasure.  Water is pretty important for your body to function properly.

But what happens if you don't drink your recommended daily water amount?  I knew a girl that I used to work with that never, EVER, drank water.  It was pop or juice or coffee or milk or beer but never water.  How can this be?  I mean, they say that you must drink water to function, how did she not keel over and die? I mean, you get hydrated from other liquids, I guess, but it's ain't water. She couldn't stand the taste of water, as crazy as that sounds.  Well she functions just fine with out H2O, so what's with this "you must drink eight glasses" business?

I am a proponent of drinking your daily 8ish glasses, because it makes me feel better.  Hydration is the most important thing you can do for youself, mainly because if you don't get it, you will die.  You can survive without food for much longer than water.  You need water to live.  Bottom line.  So go fill that cup up right now with some nice, cold water and think about how good it makes you feel later.  But I guess you can drink whatever you want and you won't explode from dehydration...So maybe get a glass of apple juice if you don't like the taste of water.  

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