Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Slight Inconvenience

When you have a problem or an ailment, the first thing you want to do, usually, is find the source of the problem, and stop that from being, so that you can stop the problem, right? After I finished that sentence, I realized that I will need to clarify, won't I?

I have back pain. I have it often. This isn't the pain where you can't get out of bed or need to be on disability or anything like that, but it's one where I am focused on it very often. I guess I would even go as far as to say I have "back uncomfort." Well I have tried to find the reason for my pain, and I have come to no conclusion thus far. I sit on the couch with a bolster pillow behind my lower back so that the arch of my back is supported, and that makes me comfortable when I sit. I sleep fine, and it's a bit stiff when I wake up, and my back hurts too.

My complaint here is that I can't find out what I'm doing to make it hurt all day. And it comes and goes. One day it hurts, the next it doesn't. I crack my back by twisting, and I don't think that helps me at all, but this is more of a habit thing, I think. I feel pain in the back, so I twist and crack it, and it doesn't really help. If I were a betting man, I'd bet that's the problem...

So I am here to say that I am going to try and not crack my back anymore, and see if that helps. I have a coworker who says she thinks it's weather related, and that may be true, indeed. It's very cold here in Middle Tennessee, and that makes sense that my back hurts right now. So there's that, I suppose. She also said that if the barametric pressure is high (or low, I don't remember) that that can make peoples backs and joints and stuff ache. So there's that too, I suppose.

So basically, I wanted to take this moment to bitch and complain about my sight inconvenience. Thanks for reading, though. haha

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