Saturday, December 4, 2010

Posts About Babies: He's a She

It's the weekend! And you know what that means? Here I am blogging away. Let's get to it, shall we?

The last time we talked, I was ranting and raving about getting kicked out of my band by my "friend." Since then I have jammed out with other friends in what will most likely be a part time thing, not necessarily a full time band. Not ideal, but it's what I got right now. I will not be stopped as far as making music. In fact, I would be playing a gig tonight with my boy Sean, had the venue not closed this week. Strangely enough, the gig was with my old band. I should say, our old band, actually. That was going to be interesting, to say the least.

Since I wrote a real post, I have found out that my little baby that is growing inside my wife right now will be in Girl flavor. I was hoping for boy, as I am a boy and I know what to expect throughout life as a boy. Girls, not so much. Girls are complicated beings, and I will probably never understand them. I have tried, like many others in the history of humankind, only to fail miserably as all else have done before me. So raising a girl, telling her what to expect? It'll be interesting. I mean, for a while, she'll be just like any other child. The milestones are the same, regardless of gender for a while. It's when she's older, that when experiences start to separate a bit. Boys get boners. Girls get...periods? What the hell am I supposed to do then?


Anyway, I'm happy to know what she is. I feel like I know her a bit more now. I can't wait to meet her. Ever since I know that she's a girl, and I saw the latest ultrasound as it happened, I know that she has bones and kidneys and kicks and punches my wife's innards all day, and the whole thing seems so much more tangible and real now. She's in the room with us, instead of that other person that will be around eventually. She's basically here. I can feel her. Things have changed. It's not about my band anymore, at all. It's not about me. I never wanted it to not be about me anymore, but now that it is, that's okay. I want the best for her. This is a big fuckin' deal. She's not a little parasite leaching my wifes nutrients anymore. She's Evelyn.

Yes, I just had to Google the spelling of my own daughter's/grandmother's name.

For more on the name choice, stay tuned to this blog!!!! Put me in your Google Reader! Never miss a post!

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