Sunday, October 3, 2010


I'm 95% sure that I have spent some time talking about #PBtoast2010 on this blog before, but as I tried to look back and find when I did that and what I talked about, I can't find the post. I'm don't think I went into a great amount of detail if I did, but if I did, I'm sorry for repeating myself.

My friends and I have been doing this #PBtoast2010 campagin for a while now, almost exclusively on the Twitter, with mostly positive results. The results are positive because if you eat peanut butter on piece of toast, your day will be infinitely better because of it. Today, I have taken #PBtoast2010 to a new level of confidence and power.

You see, as Big Dave had pointed out during his Popularity Issue promotion, America loves them some Jif. I grew up on Skippy, but I'm not allowed to purchase it, because my lovely wife is a big Jif fan, herself. Well as I had commented in the comments section of that post by Big Dave, I really like peanut butter that comes premixed with honey. Jif makes one that has honey in it, and it's very good, indeed. But if you want to take your peanut butter experience through the fucking roof, may I suggest Peter Pan honey roast creamy peanut butter.

**I really wanted to take this time to insert a picture of the jar, but I can't figure it out/don't care enough/couldn't find the right picture. Just imagine a picture of peanut butter right here. Thank you***

I've never tasted a better peanut butter, and I'm not fucking around. I'm currently eating it out of the jar with a knife as I type. It's so goddamn tasty, I could scream. I just want everyone to try this shit. It's so good! It's way better than the Jif kind, so if you were considering buying some of this, and they only have the Jif version, don't fucking bother. Don't waste your time. Just buy whatever you buy normally, and wait until the time you are shopping and they actually have the Peter Pan Honey Roast peanut butter available. Buy it, and then kiss your old brand goodbye, because you just had a religious experience in your mouth. You just had an experience.

Please listen to me on this. If nothing else, just listen to me on this subject. I promise I won't lead you astray!

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