Saturday, January 8, 2011

Getting into TV

The people around me tend to have an affect on what I do and enjoy, know what I mean? Like, when I would hang out with a certain friend, I would lean toward their tendencies more often than I would normally. Like, for example, lets say I have a friend who is a big fan of eating Cheerios. There is a decent chance I will also take up eating cheerios as well. Well, since moving here, I don't have a whole hell of a lot of friends. This is unfortunate, but it's true. The one good friend I have here now really enjoys movies and TV shows. If you know me, I'm not that big on movies. They take forever to finish. I mean, it's hard to explain, but the prospect of watching a movie sounds like a terrible idea, while when I actually watch a movie, or have watched a movie, I am happy with the decision. Know what I mean?

I also have taken to making the friends I am connected with on Twitter better friends, a sort of replacement friend scenario. I got a friend in Florida that loves TV shows and movies as well. So, now that I have explained all of this, I should probably begin to tell you why I have explained this.

You see, TV shows are so scheduled. They come on at a certain time on a certain channel, and I have never, ever ever been able to keep up with a TV show on a regular basis. Ever. The closest I ever came was with the show Persons Unknown this past summer, and I made it 3 episodes. I watched the ones I missed on Hulu and caught the new one after I was caught up about 5 weeks later. Then, I stopped watching all together. Not that I particularly loved that show, it was OKAY at best, but it was the principal of the matter.

The last time I planned to keep up with a show upon it's debut was a little show on ABC called Lost. I said, "hey, that looks interesting and fun, I'm going to watch the first episode and never miss one, and watch it every week until it's over." I missed that first episode, and I then tried to pick it up on like, episode 3ish, and was totally "Lost."

Six years later, I decided to watch the show from the beginning, finally. All thanks to Netflix. I enjoy watching TV shows on these formats very much for a few reasons. One, I can watch multiple episodes in a row, and knock out a few weeks worth of entertainment in a couple hours. It helps especially on a show like Lost where it can all be very confusing, I imagine, if you were to watch one episode on a weekly basis. But I have really been enjoying being a guy who watches TV shows, even if it's after the original air date, or whatever. If you need me, I'll probably be watching something on Hulu or Netflix.

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