Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Social Network Is Driving Me Crazy

I really wanted to tweet about it, but I'm not trying to be mean. So instead, I'll write about it. I doubt more than 2 or 3 people read this thing anyway, and this isn't about those readers.

I was unfollowed by someone on Twitter. Well, actually I was unfollowed by about 6 people on Twitter, but 5 of them were bots or businesses that followed me for business sake. I'm sure @ZipGiveEdmonton was hoping I would follow back so they could spread their massage or whatever. But there was at the bottom of the short list of the people who unfollowed me was a person I had actually met before and talked to. A girl by the name of Hullosam, aka Sam Coletta. I think she's a friend of a friend's girlfriend, I guess. Well anyway, she unfollowed me, probably because I called her out (indirectly) for begging for a snowstorm and then complaining that she has to "drive in this crap." Well, you asked for the snow, you know what that means as far as what it will do to the roads. You get what you wish for.

So, when I found out, I quickly unfollowed back, because her tweets were useless to me anyway. I already follow Haley Williams, I don't need to follow her impostor, too.

I found out by a cool service called Qwitter. Qwitter sends you emails every so often telling you who has unfollowed you since the last time an email was sent out. It's pretty cool if you're a paranoid tweeter like I am. I care about my followers and I want them to be happy when they read my tweets. I want them to be entertained by them sometimes, too. So I want to know if I'm being a total twitard, and it's pissing people off so badly that they want me to go away.

Speaking of social networking and it's trials and tribulations, Facebook is gettin' pretty damn annoying. I understand people have opinions and stuff, and that's fine, so do I. I try to put the most vanilla posts of all time on Facebook, because I don't want to get into it, whatever it is, with the people on Facebook. I unfriended my own step-father-in-law the other day, because his posts are all full of bullshit, conspiracy theories that I just don't want to hear about because they're not true. I say one thing last night about how the Lions have sucked for 53 years and get backlash from a close friend. He called me a fare-weather fan. unfuckingbelievable. I felt I had to defend myself, even though it would have probably been better to just leave it alone, but I am not a fare-weather fan. I've rooted for the same football, baseball and basketball teams since I was a little kid, and even though I have had times where I called myself a "fan" of certain teams for various reasons (1995 Colts, 1998 Broncos, 2003 Cubs, every team that plays against the Wings from 1996 - present, the 2004 or 2005ish Minnesota Timberwolves, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Hat I wore from 1997 - 2001) but the base teams I follow have not changed. I only root for the Predators now because I live in fucking Nashville, where the goddamn team plays. So fuck you Tom, my longtime, childhood friend, for saying that shit. I was making a joke on facebook. Way to overreact, by calling me something I'm not.

Have a good day, I'm all pissed now.


  1. As Malcolm X said, "Cool it, brothers!"

    There's one of these for facebook too, it's a Greasemobkey script for Firefox. I find the people who unfollow are people back in college who I was just in a class with, and haven't heard from in years.

  2. Dude, settle down. Part of sports fandom is having thick skin, and you have to be prepared to have bitter and vitriolic (there's your word for the day) things sprouted your way. Even by close or formerly close friends. So let it roll off and just know that somewhere out there is a fan of the other team that thinks you are a baby killing rapist, which of course we all know you are not, just because you like the other team.

  3. By the way, you look positively fetching in a sombreo.

  4. Hey thanks guys. I don't know why I was so fired up. I'm better now.

  5. Glad you're all better, friend.
