Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010: A Look Back

Well well well, what to do here? All the blogs I read are mentioning the need to skip a 2010 year in review post, because that's what everybody else is doing. Well, I was going to skip a 2010 year in review as well, for those exact reasons, but now that I think about it, doesn't it make sense for me to do one? I mean, if everybody has the same mindset, no one would do one. Someone has to do one, damn it. Maybe I won't go into super detail about it, because let's face it, if you turned on a network television station yesterday, you probably saw a "Biggest News Stories of 2010" segment somewhere.

That got me thinking, if I hadn't paid any attention to the news this past year, which most of the youth of today probably would have done if not for Twitter and the internet in general, I would not have cared about these events they talked about. Seriously, the Chilean miners story, while very inspiring and whatnot, did not affect me, as would, say, something more in my neighborhood. The oil spill mattered, but not to me directly.

The Chilean miners will go on forgotten, just like everyone else that was the flavor of the month news stories of the past 10 years. I'm sure one of the miners will fall on hard times and need help, but no one will answer, because they're not news anymore.

Personally, 2010 was a roller coaster of a year. Also, I just learned that roller coaster is two words and not one. But seriously, I made friends in Tennessee, lost friends in Tennessee, and found out I was having a baby in 2011. Close friends had a baby, which made all of our circle of friends feel all that much older. 2010 had some great moments, like playing shows in a band, then getting kicked out of that band. In October, I ventured back north for the first time since moving away, and had the privilege of being the best man for my good friend Caleb. I got to see all of my friends from back home for a couple days, which was extremely wonderful. I wish that weekend could have lasted forever.

The year in sports was alright, I guess. Like in 2003 when I fell in love with baseball harder than ever, 2010 made me fall in love with hockey like never before. The Nashville Predators made a decent run into the playoffs, only to be eliminated by the eventual Stanley Cup Champions, the Chicago Blackhawks. I attended a game on March 28th, where I sat like, 12 rows from the ice, and watched as my team fell to the much hated Detroit Red Wings. In 2010, I also finally made it to Turner Field to watch my life long love, the Atlanta Braves crush the Arizona Diamondbacks 13-1.

That was a good day. May 16th, 2010. That same day I saw Angels & Airwaves and Say Anything. That was the highlight moment of music concerts in 2010. That, or St. Patrick's Day, when my "friends" in the band Schocholautte drove down from from New York and played a show here. Friends in quotes because I had never actually met them before that day, but that night, they slept at my apartment. I had sleeping musicians and their friends and lovers sleeping all over the place. On the floor, on the spare bed, on the spare spare bed, on the couch, on an air mattress. It was pretty cool, having a band on tour stay at my house. Also, those guys were probably some of the nicest dudes I have ever met.

I don't want this to get to long, so I suppose I should wrap it up. 2010 was a year of constant change, yet as everything changed, I realized that on January 1st, 2011, where we are now, is pretty much the exact same place I was in on January 1st, 2010. On the couch of my apartment, virtually friendless (cept my wife, of course) wondering what the next year will bring. 2008 still goes down as the greatest year of my life, hands down. But I got a feeling about 2011. I got a good feeling about 2011.

Let's try to blog more than in 2010, eh?

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